Password lock for SketchUp Models

You didn’t share the link correctly. The client doesn’t need to have a Trimble Connect account to use the viewer.

Can you tell me how to share the link correctly?

When I get back to my computer I’ll make screen shots to show you.

You seem to have a distrust of your clients. Is it mutual? Why do they employ you? If they know how to make the changes they need, why do they need you in the first place?
I have by now had work from the same client for 27 years. They require that the architect gives them the original models as part of the as-builts. That hasn’t prevented them from using my services.


Great, I really appreciate it.

Euhm, I have a suggestion: For clients that want to buzz around in 3d, we agree on giving them an .ifc file, the same one that we use for exchanges with our engineers, minus any furniture that we may have designed as that is too easy to steal…
It’s much harder for your average Joe Blow to mess with an .ifc file & mostly people are happy with that as even if it’s got it’s limits coming from SU, that is the industry standard for exchange…
But heh, I do understand the root sentiment underlying your feature request, it’s like not giving people complicated spreadsheets and such that we have taken hours to set up.

Interesting. I appreciate this and will investigate. Thanks!

especially for clients you don’t wanna force to either create a Trimble ID (for using Trimble Connect) or to install 3rd-party software for viewing the IFC file format, exporting to an even password protected 3D PDF w/ the SimLab 3D PDF exporter plugin ($) might be an alternative option (trial avail.).

The client needs the free Adobe Reader DC installed only, which is on allmost every system anyhow.

Be aware, that the 3D PDF format does contain the 3D model geometry too which therefore could be exported by e.g. other applications to a readable 3D file format.

BTW, I think that somewhere in this thread there is a mention of 3D PDF. It is in principle a view-only format that can even be password protected, and viewed with the Adobe Viewer and other compatible PDF viewers. There are at least two commercial plugins that translate from SketchUp to this format.

Rendering applications are also able to export different 360 degree panorama images that can be viewed with a viewer or in Facebook.

two fools, one thought :grin:

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