Parametric component


I am now on holiday, and i use this calm time to continue my exemples on ruby.

I have few point

  1. lines don’t show properly and It doesn’t build a proper component.
  2. Is there a simpler way to code it? Like use name lines to make it move according to parameters
  3. Is there so people who use Modus? would it be apropriate in this case?
  4. beside, Is there some point of view on the Copilot, the new plugin of Visual Studio Code? Is it useful for Sketchup API?

Could you help me? I maybe don’t have all the basics but this exemples and little project helps me to understand the tool and the environement… I am not an armchair ruby programmer :wink:

here is my lines of code.

# load "C:/ruby_scripts/JoueTole_v6.rb"

require 'sketchup.rb'

* 1.1.0:: 2021-01-09
	*first version


Sketchup.send_action "showRubyPanel:"

# Add a menu item to Launch our pluging"PlugIns").add_item("Joue gauche") {
	Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "Joue gauche"
	# Create a new layer
	model = Sketchup.active_model
	l_new = model.layers.add "Bardage"
	model.active_layer = l_new
	#List of entities of the roof
	#Commit the operation
def variables
prompts = nil

prompts = [
	'Epaisseur bardage:', 
	'Profondeur total ebrasement:', 
	'largeur prise:',
	#'Hauteur ebrasement'

parametres = [,,,

parametres = UI.inputbox( prompts, parametres, "Caractéristiques")

	#Create some variables
	@epaiss_bard = parametres[0]		#Epaisseur du bardage
	@prof_ebrasement = parametres[1]	#Profondeur ebrasement
	@larg_prise = parametres[2] 		#largeur de prise derrière le bardage
	@hauteur_ebrase = parametres[3]		#hauteur tableau


def joue_gauche

	#Create the component definition
	model = Sketchup.active_model

	joue_gauche_def = model.definitions.add("joue_gauche")
	joue_gauche_ent = joue_gauche_def.entities

	@rayon_inter =
	@rayon_exter =
	@epaiss_tole =

	x0 = 0
	x1 = @larg_prise
	x2 = @larg_prise + @rayon_inter
	x3 = x2 + @epaiss_tole
	x4 = x3 + @rayon_inter
	x5 = x4 + @rayon_inter
	x6 = x5 + @epaiss_tole
	y1 = 0 - @epaiss_bard - @rayon_inter
	y2 = 0 - @rayon_inter
	y3 = 0
	y4 = @epaiss_tole
	y5 = @epaiss_tole + @prof_ebrasement - @epaiss_bard
	z = 0

	pt1 = [x0, y3, z]

	# Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
	center = x1, y2, 0
	normal = 0, 0, 1
	xaxis = 1, 0, 0
	start_a = Math::PI/2
	end_a = 0
	model = Sketchup.active_model
	entities = model.entities
	edgearray1 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_inter, start_a, end_a
	edge = edgearray1[0]
	arccurve = edge.curve
	start_angle1 = arccurve.start_angle

	pt2 = edgearray1[0].start
	pt3 = edgearray1[-1].end
	# Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
	center = x4, y1, 0
	normal = 0, 0, -1
	xaxis = 1, 0, 0
	start_a = 0
	end_a = Math::PI
	model = Sketchup.active_model
	entities = model.entities
	edgearray2 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_exter, start_a, end_a
	edge = edgearray2[0]
	arccurve = edge.curve
	start_angle2 = arccurve.start_angle

	pt4 = edgearray2[-1].end
	pt5 = edgearray2[0].start #good
	pt6 = [x6, y5, z]
	pt7 = [x5, y5, z]

	# Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
	center = x4, y1, 0
	normal = 0, 0, -1
	xaxis = 1, 0, 0
	start_a = 0
	end_a = Math::PI
	model = Sketchup.active_model
	entities = model.entities
	edgearray3 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_inter, start_a, end_a
	edge = edgearray3[0]
	arccurve = edge.curve
	start_angle3 = arccurve.start_angle

	pt8 = edgearray3[0].start #good
	pt9 = edgearray3[-1].end

	# Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
	center = x1, y2, 0
	normal = 0, 0, 1
	xaxis = 1, 0, 0
	start_a = 0
	end_a = Math::PI/2
	model = Sketchup.active_model
	entities = model.entities
	edgearray4 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_exter, start_a, end_a
	edge = edgearray4[0]
	arccurve = edge.curve
	start_angle4 = arccurve.start_angle

	pt10 = edgearray4[0].start
	pt11 = edgearray4[-1].end
	pt12 = [x0, y4, z]

	# Call methods on the Entities collection top drax stuff

	face1 = joue_gauche_ent.add_face pt1, pt2, edgearray1, pt3, pt4, edgearray2, pt6, pt7, edgearray3, edgearray4, pt12

    #atempt to weld the point and the curves
    edges = face1.selection.grep(Sketchup::Edge)
    curves = model.active_entities.weld(edges)

	# entities objects is an edge.
	entity1 = joue_gauche_ent[1]
	# Getting zero.
	number = entity1.find_faces

	x = y = z = 0

	ents = model.active_entities
	joue_gauche1 = ents.add_instance(joue_gauche_def, [x, y, z])


Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

You MUST put your code within a unique namespace module.
Then put your extension code within a extension submodule of your namespace module.

IE …

Do not define methods in the top level ObjectSpace.
Do not define instance variables in the top level ObjectSpace.

Please use 2 space indentation for Ruby code.
Use proper indentation.

Ie … not:

def variables
prompts = nil

prompts = [
	'Epaisseur bardage:', 
	'Profondeur total ebrasement:', 
	'largeur prise:',
	#'Hauteur ebrasement'
# ...

Instead do …

  def variables
    prompts = nil

    prompts = [
      'Epaisseur bardage:', 
      'Profondeur total ebrasement:', 
      'largeur prise:',
      #'Hauteur ebrasement'
     # ...

Meaning that the opening and closing of block must line up on the left.
Most code editors show indent lines to help with indentation.

Your menu item commands should be in a method because the proc cannot be redefined if you make changes and reload the rb file. Because reloading happens often during development, the menu building should be within a load guard block …

# encdoing: UTF-8

module DecherfBuilder # <<-- namespace for your company
  module MyExtension # <<-- give a better extension name

    extend self

    def variables
      prompts = nil

      prompts = [
        'Epaisseur bardage:', 
        'Profondeur total ebrasement:', 
        'largeur prise:',
        #'Hauteur ebrasement'

      parametres = [,,,

      parametres = UI.inputbox(prompts, parametres, "Caractéristiques")
      # ALWAYS need to check here if user canceled inputbox:
      return false unless parametres

      # Create some variables
      @epaiss_bard = parametres[0]		#Epaisseur du bardage
      @prof_ebrasement = parametres[1]	#Profondeur ebrasement
      @larg_prise = parametres[2] 		#largeur de prise derrière le bardage
      @hauteur_ebrase = parametres[3]		#hauteur tableau

      return true
    end ### variables()

    def joue_gauche

      # Create the component definition
      model = Sketchup.active_model

      joue_gauche_def = model.definitions.add("joue_gauche")
      joue_gauche_ent = joue_gauche_def.entities

      @rayon_inter =
      @rayon_exter =
      @epaiss_tole =

      x0 = 0
      x1 = @larg_prise
      x2 = @larg_prise + @rayon_inter
      x3 = x2 + @epaiss_tole
      x4 = x3 + @rayon_inter
      x5 = x4 + @rayon_inter
      x6 = x5 + @epaiss_tole
      y1 = 0 - @epaiss_bard - @rayon_inter
      y2 = 0 - @rayon_inter
      y3 = 0
      y4 = @epaiss_tole
      y5 = @epaiss_tole + @prof_ebrasement - @epaiss_bard
      z = 0

      pt1 = [x0, y3, z]

      # Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
      center = x1, y2, 0
      normal = 0, 0, 1
      xaxis = 1, 0, 0
      start_a = Math::PI/2
      end_a = 0
      model = Sketchup.active_model
      entities = model.entities
      edgearray1 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_inter, start_a, end_a
      edge = edgearray1[0]
      arccurve = edge.curve
      start_angle1 = arccurve.start_angle

      pt2 = edgearray1[0].start
      pt3 = edgearray1[-1].end

      # Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
      center = x4, y1, 0
      normal = 0, 0, -1
      xaxis = 1, 0, 0
      start_a = 0
      end_a = Math::PI
      model = Sketchup.active_model
      entities = model.entities
      edgearray2 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_exter, start_a, end_a
      edge = edgearray2[0]
      arccurve = edge.curve
      start_angle2 = arccurve.start_angle

      pt4 = edgearray2[-1].end
      pt5 = edgearray2[0].start #good
      pt6 = [x6, y5, z]
      pt7 = [x5, y5, z]

      # Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
      center = x4, y1, 0
      normal = 0, 0, -1
      xaxis = 1, 0, 0
      start_a = 0
      end_a = Math::PI
      model = Sketchup.active_model
      entities = model.entities
      edgearray3 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_inter, start_a, end_a
      edge = edgearray3[0]
      arccurve = edge.curve
      start_angle3 = arccurve.start_angle

      pt8 = edgearray3[0].start #good
      pt9 = edgearray3[-1].end

      # Create a 1/4 circle, radius of 5, normal to the Z axis
      center = x1, y2, 0
      normal = 0, 0, 1
      xaxis = 1, 0, 0
      start_a = 0
      end_a = Math::PI/2
      model = Sketchup.active_model
      entities = model.entities
      edgearray4 = entities.add_arc center, xaxis, normal, @rayon_exter, start_a, end_a
      edge = edgearray4[0]
      arccurve = edge.curve
      start_angle4 = arccurve.start_angle

      pt10 = edgearray4[0].start
      pt11 = edgearray4[-1].end
      pt12 = [x0, y4, z]

      # Call methods on the Entities collection top drax stuff

      face1 = joue_gauche_ent.add_face pt1, pt2, edgearray1, pt3, pt4, edgearray2, pt6, pt7, edgearray3, edgearray4, pt12

        #atempt to weld the point and the curves
        edges = face1.selection.grep(Sketchup::Edge)
        curves = model.active_entities.weld(edges)

      # entities objects is an edge.
      entity1 = joue_gauche_ent[1]
      # Getting zero.
      number = entity1.find_faces

      x = y = z = 0

      ents = model.active_entities
      joue_gauche1 = ents.add_instance(joue_gauche_def, [x, y, z])

    end ### joue_gauche()

    def joue_gauche_command
      model = Sketchup.active_model
      model.start_operation("Joue gauche")
        # Create a new layer
        l_new = model.layers.add("Bardage")
        model.active_layer = l_new
        # List of entities of the roof
        return unless variables() # bail out if user canceled
      # Commit the operation

    if !defined?(@menu_loaded)
      # Add a menu item to Launch the "Joue gauche" command:"PlugIns").add_item("Joue gauche") {
      @menu_loaded = true

  end # extension submodule
end # top level namespace module

(…scroll to see all code…)

You should never change the active layer without changing it back to “Layer0” when done.
ALWAYS create primitives (edges, faces, and curves) associated with “Layer0”.
Guidepoints, Guidelines, Groups and component instances, and other complex objects like section planes and dimensions can be associated with other custom layers.

Please use parenthesis around the arguments for instance method calls.

Lastly, your joue_gauche() method is WAY TOO LONG. It should be broken up into smaller methods.
(I will not check all that method for errors.)


Thank you very much Dan, Have a nice day :slight_smile: