This question is really more of a ruby question than a SketchUp API question but here goes anyways:
I’ve created a hash of arrays:
windows = {"window1"=> [84, 80], "window2"=> [84, 120], "window3"=>[48,80], etc...}
The first value in the nested array is the location of the window along the length of the wall from the origin (left side). The second value is the window header height (or vertical position on the wall).
Using some form of the select method and given a location of “84” I first want to pull out a new hash of the two windows where their location is equal to this value. I know how to do this for a simple hash but when I nest things up like this I’m a little uncertain of how the syntax should be written.
Then I would like to sort this new hash (into an array) by the second value (window height).
Perhaps this was easier than I originally thought. This line of code appears to sort the sub hash into a nested array:
loc_array = loc_hash.sort_by { |k,v| v[1] }
Now I just need to figure out how to determine what the index of say window2 is within this multi dimensional array, I probably need to flatten it out or something along those lines.
Hi Nathan.
not that I am an expert in this area, I just like to say. I like the fact you share your attempts and solutions after posting the problem. It helps us novices get a insight as well. I’m sure the gurus will set it straight if there is a better way
This small piece of logic then allows me to properly place the window callouts when windows are stacked within a wall panel. Previously they were simply landing on top of each other in a big jumbled mess.
I would have likely swapped the class types. Ie, an array of “windows” (being some hash-like class.)
windows = [
# ... etc...
Then …
# Sort the whole windows array ...
windows.sort_by! {|w| w["pos"] }
# Select the 84 stack and sort it by head height ...
wind84 = windows.find_all {|w| w["pos"] == 84 }.sort_by! {|w| w["head"] }
# Iterate with index and create labels ...
wind84.each_with_index do |w,i|
create_3d_text_label( w["type"], x - 8.0 * i, w["pos"] )
If you prefer dot notation (w.pos) over subscript notations (w["pos"]) …
then you can use OpenStructs instead of Hashes.
I’d suggest using classes to store your data. I also tend to use hashes and arrays now and then when I code in ruby because, well you know, it is quick to write. But in larger projects it gets confusing and difficult to maintain with hashes without a hard given interface. When passing hashes through your code a change here will break there.
This is why I post questions like this. Thank-you for the code examples and ruby/API education. Hopefully this thread is helpful to other developers in choosing the right system for organizing and processing their data.
6:23 An example of creating a quick and dirty window class …
module Medeek
class Window
attr_accessor :name, :type, :pos, :height
def initialize(name,type,pos,height)
@name = name
@type = type
@pos = pos
@height = height
end # module Medeek
Your done (6:26).
Use …
windows <<"Bedroom","3030SH",84,180)
# repeat as desired
Wow . That’s a quite nasty limitation. I haven’t used them myself (what I can remember) as I design my software around classes containing all the methods relevant for them, but I’ve heard them being reccomended as “light” classes, e.g. at an early stage before you add own methods, or when refactoring Array and Hash based code. Good to know .