Need help with the scale of HDMRI domes in Vray

Hi all, I’m using HDRI domes for the first time and can’t wrap my head around them as my building is tiny inside the landscape. I’m attaching the image of the scale of my building compared to the dome. No matter how much I scale my building up, it looks like this. That means that the scene from inside of my building, instead of being picturesque trees is giant tree stumps and leaves. I’ve also attached the image of what the HDRI I loaded is. Any ideas on how I get this to work??

I think it’s just not a very good HDRI for your needs. The logs and trees are too close to the foreground for a house to fit/scale properly. Try one with more space between the middle ground and background…like this for example:

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Hi there, wondering if you found a resolution to this?
I have the exact problem…I tried a scene with a long distance but still showing very zoomed in and my model tiny.
Import hdri 16k from hdri haven

Hi. Can you share your model or at least post a screenshot so I can see better what’s going on?