Need help understanding rotate

You can’t.

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My goodness! I didn’t mean to start an epic! But I got it!

Click-move-click, hard press - Drag. Thank you everyone for all your help.

I figured something out. If I keep the very hard press going, then most times I can change my mind about about which way the protractor is pointing. If instead I think I’m pressing hard enough, but I’m not really, then there are two lines of the bounding box, and two edges of geometry, that I could snap onto. Some of the time I did actually snap to the diagonal, which made me think I had done the right thing, but most times I had clipped a bounding box line, and was locked to blue.

The main problem I was having was not realizing how hard I had to keep pressing.

Just draw is fast and cool, but some accurate actions aren’t there yet. Until that is solved, I think that we should have the option to work some tools in click-move-click and others in just draw.

We should have more direct access to a toggle button between both modes. Maybe even be allowed to use the double tap on pencil to toggle between them.

Then SketchUp would remember what was the last mode used on each tool.

Then I’d go on about my life just drawing just drawing just drawing and, as soon as I wanted to rotate I’d seamlessly click-move-click away.

PS: click-move-click could be called hard press mode. Just draw vs hard press? What kind of person are you?

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That calms me down. As a “virgin” - I have used 1 hour so far- iPad user I tried it “endlessly”…
I already thought that the iPad is so different from the way I think. (Which is true, but not exactly in this case :wink: )
Still the question is: why I can’t do it?

You got me making paper airplanes. This from my memory of the Great Paper Airplane book of 1971, but I don’t have it now to look at. My memory is that some engineers came up with it. I started out doing folds with the rotate tool, but the origami aspect got too complicated, so I just abstracted it.


This is awesome! And yeah, I tried to make an animation of mine, simple as it seemed, but I was having to rebuild collapsed groups to avoid z-fighting, yaddah ya. I like this diagram concept though.

Also, I folded one in the office that day, in real life, just so I would have one to hold and turn over and such… My assistant and boss took that as permission to fold their own armies of planes and spend the rest of the day annoying me. No regrets though.