My model has completely disappeared?!

There are various problems with this model. @DaveR seems to have gotten you sorted, but I’ll discuss the issues in more detail so that you can avoid similar in the future.

The problems are mainly in the Component named “Pergola - Wind Screen”. There are two instances of this component nested inside an unnamed Group, which makes it harder to find them in the Outliner unless you expand all and scroll around looking for them. I renamed the Group “Pergolas” to make this easier.

The “Pergola - Wind Screen” Component contains 760 (!) leader text objects that have lost their anchor and flown off to infinity. This is most likely the result of a bug that was present in versions of SketchUp prior to 2019. It was triggered when you attached leader text to a mainly 2D drawing and then edited the drawing in a way that erased the object to which the text was anchored. In your model they all said either “Chambre” or “Walk-in”, which might give you a clue where they came from. At this point these texts are all junk - their original anchors cannot be recovered and they don’t say distinctive things. So I erased them. Then I reset the camera so that the model was visible. I do these things via unpublished Ruby. sWilliams shared a short script that does the equivalent, though I think he tries to preserve the text content, which in this case will make quite a mess because there are so many.

Another issue with this component is that its contents seem to be randomly scattered over a large area compared to the main content of the model. Here are screen shots of the two instances in the Group showing their bounding boxes. The little smudge in the middle is the main content of your model.

I don’t know what this Component is supposed to be. Here’s a sample of its contents after turning on all but the tags that show only notation.

There are also a lot of these things scattered around

There are various things locked and hidden among the contents. That makes them hard to work with.

Unless you have some reason why these things need to be as they are, I’d suggest erasing that Group and purging this Component from the model.

Finally, the model isn’t using tags appropriately. Many of the Groups or Components have edges and faces that use tags other than untagged (formerly Layer0).

After doing all those things, here’s what I ended up with.

Rafih base.skp (2.1 MB)

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