Midpoint Extension

Didn’t that get changed recently?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy_cat:

To get the midpoint between to endpoints in space I would try this:

1 - Trace the line from one endpoint to the other.

2 - Infer it’s midpoint.

Only relatively (recently).

Sure but then you have a line to erase and if it is “stuck” to another line it can cause other problems.

We all use workarounds because we have to. I was just musing on ways that might be employed to make it as quick and simple as possible.

Thank you! I knew about an array using x2 but never knew you could use /2 for the center point. KISS is sometimes a wonderful thing!

/2 This is the method I use in SketchUp-- copying guides for working purposes. If I need a permanent marker, that’s usually done in Layout (or later). A plugin might be good. I have a tool for this very thing in CAD as well as a tool to divide angles and another to mark divisions.

I just don’t know if I’d install a plugin just for this. Maybe a master layout plugin that did different types of division markings, both guides and permanent geometry, with an option to lock etc…

I have just updated to SU 23 and wanted to reinstall the Smustard Midpoint extension which I use all the time. But when I visit Smustard now it says the extension is unavailable. Does anyone know if it can be used with SU 23? Or maybe there is a newly built-in function that does it natively? I know there have been other ways to skin this cat, but they are all much clunkier than Midpoint.

I understand Smustard has ceased operation. Why not just being adventurous and copying the extension from your older version plugins folder to the new? Just remove it if it crashes SketchUp.

BTW the extension is in a post #15 in this topic… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yes, I have just tried that and it seems to work!

I didn’t dare do it initially because I know general advice is to reload extensions from source with new iterations of software.

Yes, of course that is the safest method. With these “obsolete” ones trying is the only available way. I still use Rick Wilson’s old Windowizer with the same procedure. I think it was oriiginally relesed for SU 4, almost 20 years ago.

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