He estado trabajando en un proyecto para el colegio y hoy estuve poniendo algunos detalles adicionales para dejarlo terminado, hoy estuve haciendo un yacusi pero cuando fui a modificar la pared del estudio vi que los adobes que le hice desaparecieron, active las aristas y me di cuenta de que las caras se habían vuelto transparentes, tendré que pintarlas de nuevo pero lo que me parece extraño es que la única forma de editar un modelo del Waterhouse es dándole doble clic hasta llegar a la parte que quiero editar pero cuando lo pinto junto con el resto del modelo se pinta el modelo 3D que descargue junto con lo otro cosa que antes no ocurría, tendré que pintar todo de nuevo pero quería saber el por que ocurre esto, si es alguna configuración que implemente accidentalmente al proyecto o si simplemente fue un error de SketchUp
Translated by Google:
I have been working on a project for the school and today I was putting some additional details to finish it, today I was making a yacusi but when I went to modify the study wall I saw that the adobes I made disappeared, I activated the edges and I realized that the faces had become transparent, I will have to paint them again but what seems strange to me is that the only way to edit a Waterhouse model is by double clicking it until I get to the part that I want to edit but when I paint it together with the The rest of the model is painted the 3D model that you download along with the other thing that did not happen before, I will have to paint everything again but I wanted to know why this happens, if it is some configuration that I accidentally implemented to the project or if it was simply a mistake by SketchUp
You have to open the levels of grouping until you get to the faces inside. How many levels you have to open is up to you and how you create the model. It’s almost always better to paint the faces and not paint the group/component containers. Also, materials applied to faces will override materials applied to group or component containers.
If you share your SketchUp file with us it will be easier to give you some direction as to how to proceed.
Estoy subiendo el archivo a drive para compartirselo, es muy pesado entonces en aproximadamente unos 40 minutos se lo estare compartiendo
Listo, ya me cargo, este es el enlace:
So as for the transparent faces. You have applied the gray glass material to both the front and back faces of the wall behind the computer. See Entity Info. It shows both front and back face materials. If that’s not what you want you need to repaint them.
The geometry of the building and the hill it sits on are all loose, ungrouped geometry. This will make it difficult to work on your model. You can see how all the geometry that is selected after triple clicking on the house with the Select tool.
Also note that there are a lot of reversed faces. There should be no blue backfaces exposed in your model. You can see that the interior shows a lot of back faces, too.
As for your question about changing materials, the thing I mentioned in my first reply comes into play in the desk and chair. Look at how Outliner shows it. You can see there is a great deal of nesting–groups or components inside of other groups or components.
So if you want to change the material on the seat of the chair, you have to open a whole lot of levels of nested groups/components. Seven levels deep.
Most of the nesting is not useful. It just gets in the way of working on the model. Did you get this from the 3D Warehouse? Best practice is to download components you think you want to use in your models into a separate file. Clean them up and make the needed changes before copying and pasting them into your project.
By the way, ALL edges and faces should be untagged. I fixed the incorrect tag usage.
And then I purged unused stuff from your model. I expect the unused components were things you tried from the 3DWarehouse but later deleted. Deleting components from the model space does not remove them from the SketchUp file. The same goes for unused materials and styles. You have to purge them.
There is a lot of excessively detailed content in your model which adds to file size without being useful or practical. After purging unused stuff I got the file size down from 230 Mb to 96.2 Mb, a reduction of more than 58%. I expect with further cleanup that file size would go down even more.
Disculpe pero como puedo purgar los elementos que suprimí del Waterhouse, lo que aprendí fue con la siguiente ruta: Ventana> Información del modelo> Estadísticas > Purgar no usados
Esta es la forma en la que creo que se hace pero si existe otra le agradecería que me la enseñase.
Respecto a la geometría suelta lo único que debo hacer es crear componentes para moverlo todo junto verdad?
Y mi otra inquietud es respecto a los modelos del Waterhouse, usted me dice que los descargue como un archivo independiente, lo modifique y luego lo importe al modelo verdad?
Respecto a las etiquetas de las caras no entendí bien a que se refiere, no he aprendido a usar bien esas funciones avanzadas, porque como muestra mi información, tengo 12 años y solo uso las herramientas básicas de SketchUp
Lo otro que no entendí es lo de el contenido detallado, como borro los detalles que me menciona, perdón si estoy siendo intenso con las preguntas pero no conozco tantas herramientas y trucos como usted así que solo intento comprender la información que usted me da
That’s correct. I use a plugin that also gives the report I showed so it’s easier to see what goes away.
Regarding loose geometry, all I have to do is create components to move everything together, right?
Well, you can do that but it probably makes sense to have the hill as a component or group that is separate from the building. It may make sense to have the floor, walls, and roof as separate components/groups so that you can work with them separately. Then you can give them tags and hide the roof while you work inside the building and that sort of thing.
And my other concern is regarding the Waterhouse models, you tell me to download them as an independent file, modify it and then import it to the model, right?
Yes. Before you add the components to your project model it’s a good idea to look at them in a separate file first. Make sure they are what you want and suitable for the job. It’s a bit like tasting the sauce before you cover your sandwich with it.
Regarding the face labels, I did not understand well what you mean,
I think you are referring to the front and back faces. Faces in SketchUp have front sides and back sides. The fronts are shown as white and the backs are shown in blue. You should only have white front faces exposed in your 3D models. You can right click on the blue back faces and choose reverse Faces to correct that.
The other thing that I did not understand is the detailed content, how I erase the details that you mention
Which details are those?
sorry if I am being intense with the questions but I do not know as many tools and tricks as you so I just try to understand the information that you give me
No need to apologize. You have to learn somehow. You might want to go to learn.sketchup.com and go through the SketchUp Fundamentals tutorials.
FWIW I was running CleanUp3 on your model. It took a long time to run but reduced the file size even more. The file size is now down to 88.8 Mb.
Me refiero a cuando usted me decia que hay modelos execivamente detallados, a esto especificamente:
Respecto a lo otro le agradezco mucho, si me queda alguna duda le estare comentando pero muchisimas gracias
Much of the furniture is overly detailed. This is a common thing with components from the 3D Warehouse. The chair at the desk is a good example of that. If it were the only focus of your model it would be fine but as one piece of furniture in your house, it’s a very “heavy” component. That is, it has more detail than is needed or is useful.
One way to think about this stuff is like a budget for your project. If you were building this project in real life you will have a finite amount of money to put into it. You need to decide how to invest that money to make the most of it. In the digital world there is some limit to the number of entities and the file size that your computer can handle. If you exceed that limit the performance begins to suffer which makes you work more slowly or stops your work altogether. Just as with money in the real project you need to figure out where it makes sense to invest your digital budget. Don’t spend your budget on details that don’t add anything useful to the project.
Look at the desk chair for example. The armrest is nicely detailed but does that detail add anything to your overall project? Does it communicate some important information? The books on the bookshelf are another good example.
The texture images on the spines of the book are knid of interesting to read but you have to zoom in pretty close to read them. Those textures add to the file size (cost) but are they important enough in the overall project to pay for? Maybe you could replace them with simple colors which add little to the file size.
The red bean bag chair is another example. Here’s a view of the bottom of it.
Does all that geometry add anything useful to your project? If not, delete what isn’t needed.
Also note that the geometry is inside a group which is inside a component. Here I have the component open for editing and the group selected.
Does that group inside the component do anything that is useful for your model? My guess is no, it doesn’t. So that inner group could be exploded to remove it.
Regarding purging unused components from your model: Suppose you bring a couch component into your project but later decide you don’t like that one and replace it with a different one. Only deleting it from the model space is sort of like taking it out to the garage and leaving it there. It’s not inside the house but you have actually gotten rid of it because it’s still on the property. Purging unused gets all the unused furniture, plants, cars, and fixtures off your property. Until then, you just have a garage full of junk.
Of course I can’t tell you how large your budget is or where you should “spend” it. You get to decide that. Bringing your components into a separate file before you add them to your project gives you an opportunity to examine them to make sure they are suitable and to clean them to remove unneeded details.
You are quite welcome. You should have fun with your modeling. Like with just about anything, a huge part of that comes with learning how to work things correctly. It’s a whole lot more fun to ride a bike once you’ve learned to control it. It’s not much fun to be continually riding into trees and cars and things but once you learn to steer so you can avoid those, you’re in good shape.
Muchas gracias, ¿y tengo que eliminar los detalles innecesarios del proyecto manualmente? ¿O existe alguna extensión con la que pueda eliminarlos evitando gran parte de este trabajo?
There are extensions like CleanUp3 from the Extension Warehouse that can help but much of this sort of thing requires decisions that an extension just can’t make. You have to decide what is needed and what isn’t. So you are an important part of the process.
Listo, muchas gracias, lo tendré en cuenta, a iniciar el proyecto de nuevo
Y como puedo instalar esta extension?
In the Window menu you will find Extension Warehouse. Open it, search for CleanUp3, select it and choose Install. Note that it also requires TT_lib2 so search for and install that too.
Listo, muchas gracias