Looking for a Sphere Tool Plugin by Jim Foltz

Hi everyone.
I’m looking for a particular sphere-making plugin originally developed by Jim Foltz.
Here’s the link. I really liked this plugin because unlike the official one from SketchUp this one was interactive and you didn’t have to enter parameters in a separate dialog box and could preview what you’re drawing.


The download link doesn’t work anymore, as the plugin dates back to 2010, so I was wondering if anyone perhaps had old copies left, that they could share? I notice Jim Foltz is credited under the SketchUp Shapes plugin page for contribution but his version of the sphere tool is not anywhere to find.

Alternatively, does anyone know of a similar “interactive” tool?
Thank you.

P.S. @jim_foltz If you’re the Jim Foltz who developed the plugin, I’d be so thankful to hear from you.

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I don’t know if this is the same thing, but it is a Jim Foltz authored extension.


Jim made some excellent plugins for SketchUp. Unfortunately he’s withdrawn the majority of them.

After installing it, I was probably wrong. The one I pointed you to did not act like the original.