Layout Reference Organization

Layout files can get loaded with a great deal of references, hundreds of images, dozens of SU files, DWG files, etc. The default organization of insertion date leave a lot to be desired. Not saying that isn’t a useful sorting method, it certainly can help track things down, but it would be nice to be more granular.

It would be great to be able to sort by NAME, file type, date inserted, date of referenced file version, status, and bonus points for being able to sort with contingencies (like first sort by type, then name). I think it would be easier to sort through these reference files without folder heirachy being associated with the name - see screenshot below.
instead of file name showing up as “…/…/Trades/Trades Edited/119 Laundry E.jpg” it could just show up as “119 Laundry E.jpg”


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