I have been playing around with various AI programs to see what they can do. I though why not see if it can generate any code.
This is what I asked:
write ruby code to draw a 10’ x 10’ box in SketchUp. I did not specify any particular version of SketchUp. This is what it returned:
Define the dimensions of the box
width = 10.feet
height = 10.feet
depth = 0
Create a new group to contain the box
group = Sketchup.active_model.entities.add_group
Create the points for the corners of the box
points =
points[0] = [0, 0, depth]
points[1] = [width, 0, depth]
points[2] = [width, height, depth]
points[3] = [0, height, depth]
Create the face for the bottom of the box
face_bottom = group.entities.add_face(points)
Extrude the face to create the box
Create the faces for the sides of the box
group.entities.add_face(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3])
Refresh the view to display the box
Make sure you have SketchUp installed on your system and the Ruby console activated within SketchUp. Copy and paste the code into the Ruby console, and it will create a 10’ x 10’ box in the SketchUp modeling environment.
Create a new group to contain the box
group = Sketchup.active_model.entities.add_group
Create the points for the corners of the box
points =
points[0] = [0, 0, depth]
points[1] = [width, 0, depth]
points[2] = [width, height, depth]
points[3] = [0, height, depth]
Create the face for the bottom of the box
face_bottom = group.entities.add_face(points)
Extrude the face to create the box
Create the faces for the sides of the box
group.entities.add_face(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3])
Refresh the view to display the box
#Make sure you have SketchUp installed on your system and the Ruby console activated within SketchUp. Copy and paste the code into the Ruby console, and it will create a 10’ x 10’ box in the SketchUp modeling environment.
I ran it and it first said undefined variable depth
After reinstalling Ruby I got this error:
Code failed with an error: NameError: undefined local variable or method `response’ for main:Object
What is the AI program missing? How do I defined a local variable or method?
I don’t code myself in Ruby code, but I thought what AI was able to generate was sort of fascinating. Maby a little scary too.