Ilustrator > DWG > SketchUp - Notch Corners even if Anchor Points have been added

Hello All,

This is something that I’ve just been dealing with but SketchUp has only started doing this the last few versions (2020 or so for sure)

We build a lot of logos for different university athletic programs. Return clients have a library obviously but the one off schools usually need a logo slick built from scratch using their Brand PDF’s…

I’m not the only one who uses this method but we basically pull the logos out of their PDF’s into Illustrator and then export the logos as a DWG to import into Sketchup. Sketchup facets any curves because of it’s segment drawing style, so we add anchor points to mitigate that. But SketchUp still notches the corners even if there’s an anchor point. I usually do 1 to 100 or 1000 on the scale so SketchUp’s small geometry tolerances shouldn’t affect it.

Anyone have any ideas why it does this? Like I said earlier it hasn’t always had this issue. But it has added a tedious step of making sure corners are right if it’s a vendor facing file.



Can you make a screen shot of what this looks like when you see it?

Apologies. Here you go. You’ll see that the corners notch in both instances and I’ve attached an Illustrator screenshot of the anchor points. Then you’ll see how I have to go corner by corner to adjust and make sure that they’re joined correctly. The Illustrator DWG was exported at 10x scale so in SketchUp it was massive - 600 ft tall for each letter (from a 1920 px board)

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Did you straighten the Illustrator path segments after adding anchor points? If not, the oddities might come from SketchUp still seeing the segments as curves/arcs.
Just an idea. Can you post an example file?

I did not. But I didn’t ever do that even before the change popped up a few versions ago. I’ll post an Illustrator File below and see if you can get it to work better. (360.6 KB)

I played with your file for a bit. Straightening the segments resulted in an IMO cleaner file. Below with Meters used as import unit.
DWG_Import_Test.skp (37.0 KB)
I also exported a DWG with my old CS5 Illustrator without touching anything in your file, and looked at the file with DWG TrueView 2021. The unclean corners were there already in the DWG export, so basically there is already a problem in the Illustrator end, besides that the way AutoCad handles Bezier curves is nothing to write home about.