I can't open my Layout file!

I can’t seem to open my Layout file. I don’t have any high resolution images imported in the file. Most of the viewports are in Vector, not Hybrid or Raster.

This is for a client and I am passing the due date. I have made a copy of the layout file to try opening it with no luck. How can I access my file??

Forum members cannot try to help unless you share the file.
It is wisest to use Raster rendering for working and set the Output Override to Vector for output if you need vectors.
Is LayOut crashing, or is the file just taking long (hours?) to open?

Here is the dropbox link to the files:

When I click the file to open it, the application does not respond and I get the message several minutes later saying: “Your system has run out of application memory”

The LayOut file opens, but your SketchUp model is 400 MB, so it requires a lot of calculations to be loaded.

The fact that you keep the model 2 km away from the origin does not help either.

And Purge your model before sending it to LayOut. After Purge, the file decreases to 82 MB, from 400 MB.



Thank you so much for your assistance.

I’ve purged the sketchup model, saved it, restatrted my laptop and tried to open the layout file again, but it’s still not opening…

I cannot move the model to the origin as it will play with my saved views, and consequently my documentation will be ruined.

Is there another way I can possibly move the origin closer to my model, without it playing with my saved views?? I don’t understand how the file opens on your pc but not on mine. Are you able to send me the file you have after purging it?

Thank you!

I told you about the fact that you have the model drawn far from the origin so that you know in the future. There is no logic in drawing it at such a distance, especially since it can create a multitude of problems.

Possibly because I use Windows 10 and not Mac M1 Max.
Check your Graphics Engine setting and change it, maybe it will work better.

Doing those steps will have reduced the size of the original SketchUp file, but won’t have changed the copy of the model that is inside the LayOut document. If Mihai can send you his copy of the LayOut document after he has updated the model reference to point to his purged SketchUp file, that one would then be a smaller LayOut file, and might open ok for you.

Or, I can try those steps. I’m getting your LayOut and SketchUp files and will see how long it takes to open the LayOut file on my M3 Mac.

Hi Colin,
I just opened the 400 MB LayOut file (3-4 minutes waiting to open), and separately purged the SketchUp file, reducing its size from 400 to 80 MB, just to see what were the reasons why the model was so big, when normally it should have been around 5 MB.

It turns out there is something seriously wrong in LayOut on Mac. The LayOut document actually includes two other SketchUp models, and not the one that was given as a separate file. I tried replacing the two big models with small placeholders, and still the file wouldn’t open on Mac. At the time that I force quit LayOut, it was using 280 GB of memory.

I am doing a new test, where I saved the file as a 2022 file, to see if that opens on Mac ok.

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I logged a bug report, and the LayOut team will look at it today. The file seems to have problems even in older versions of LayOut. The only workaround I can see for now is to edit the file on Windows.

The bug is LO-15635 in our system.


Hi Colin and Mihai,

I truly appreciate the effort you’re putting into resolving this issue. You are both life savers!!

I have also tried to open on an older version but still had no success.

Regarding the bug report on the system, will I be hearing from anyone in particular?

Thanks in advance

I will try to let you know if I hear of any updates. On Friday someone looked at the file and tried to isolate what exactly is a problem with the Sketchup model. I did find that my Intel Mac could open the file after about four hours, by which time LayOut was using 5.5 GB of memory. I wasn’t able to open the file on my M3 Mac.

Hey, I accidentally tried something that could point to what the problem is, and why the file opens on Windows. There is a problem in LayOut where drawing the page thumbnails can take a very long time. On Windows it only draws them when you view the Pages tray. On Mac they get drawn while opening the document. I am trying a test where I have set the Pages panel on Mac to be List view, to see if that makes a difference to the time it takes to open. I’m not hopeful, as I try the test I see a lot of memory is being used.

As I typed that I was remembering some other things. If the thumbnail file exists, it doesn’t have to be created. I will try a test where I open the file on Windows, make it draw the thumbnails, and do a Save. With any luck it will then open quickly on Mac.

This may take some time…

Thank you for the in depth information you have gathered so far.

This is the second time I experienced this bug. It seems to happen after I add those bathroom details elevations in (they are about 4 pages towards the end of the layout document.)

I wonder if I export those 4 pages into a separate Layout, and then delete them in the original will make a difference. I can’t try it myself since I can’t open the file

In one of my tests I replaced your large models with empty ones, and still the document wouldn’t open. LayOut has its own details about what is on each page, and the problem may be in that data.

I will try a test where I open the file in Windows, and save our four versions, one for each page.

Where did the bathroom details come from?

I found out what was wrong with your file. It took a while to figure it out…

In this part of the document is a date field:


That 10.7.24 field is supposed to be a single field, but it’s actually 164,560 copies of the field on top of each other. Reducing that to one copy fixes the problem. Here’s a copy of the file:

I don’t know how you managed to get 164,559 extra copies of the field onto the page.

The file is still a demanding one, taking over 3 GB of memory to get it to open. But at least it opens now, before it was using 300 GB of memory, and then locking up the system.


Hi Colin,

Thank you very much for finding the cause of the issue I was facing.

I have no idea how the text was copies 164K+ times! That’s very interesting.

Thanks again!