How Would You Put a 3D Warehouse Component in This Drawing

In the drawing you see a screenshot of trying to add a 3D Warehouse component, the window, to a wall in a house. I don’t know how to incorporate the irregular shape of the top of the windows into the drawing of the wall. Can anyone suggest how I should do it? If I just shove it through, I lose the translucence of the window panes. The 2 lines at the top of the wall mark the lateral dimensions of the window unit. I tried using Push/Pull but then could not get the wall over the window.

ps: I tried to upload the file but it is too large. Apparently the 3D Warehouse component pushes it over the limit.

Read about “Intersect Faces with…”
If you move the window component into place and right click on the component you’ll be able to select the "Intersect Faces… "option in the context menu. Select “With Model”.
Now to see what happened, temporarily move the window component to the side again. There are some new edges that form the contour of the window. The inner faces (in the contour) can be deleted and the window replaces again. With translucent window panes I hope.

Is the wall a group or component ?

Try entering it’s context before inserting the window component.

" Apparently the 3D Warehouse component pushes it over the limit." ???

Thank you,Wo3Dan! I was thinking that there must be some way to do this but didn’t have the vocabulary to know how to phrase a search argument. Your advice and a bit of practice and I finally got it.

Hi Dan!

I’m sorry for my ignorance but I don’t understand the ‘entering its context’ bit. The wall is part of a component in the drawing I was trying to insert the window unit into.

To explain my comment, adding the window unit to my .skp drawing made the file too large to meet the file size limit here on the forum. Perhaps my drawing is too large, as well, but I blamed the window unit because it was the addition that pushed it over the limit.

… which says:

To edit entities within a component, you have to open the component’s context, which is like an invisible force field surrounding the component: You can’t see the context until you’re within it. Unlike the force fields on Star Trek, breaking into a SketchUp component’s force field — er, context — is easy: All you have to do is double-click the component with the Select tool ().

@rabbithutch: There is nothing to explaine. My suggestion was to keep out the window from Your file because it is quite clear, that it is the largest part of the file.
As a link to the warehouse it cost You no webspace.

Ah, now the grasshopper sees, Master!

Yes, I did indeed enter the context of the component drawing before placing the window unit in the wall using the Intersect Faces command as suggested. All is well now. The window unit is in position and the panes are translucent.

Thank you for the help.

In my post above I mentioned that adding the window unit made my .skp file too large to load on the forum. I have read and re-read your response and done some experimenting with components from the 3D Warehouse, but I cannot figure out how to embed a link to the warehouse in my drawings.

Could you point me to an article, tutorial, how-to or wiki that would help me understand the process?


You cannot embed web links to components in a SketchUp model. He did not mean to do that.

He meant to instead provide the component link here in this thread (as he did,) so that the checkers could download it separately.

Aha! Thank you, yet again, Dan!

I feel a bit better now.

@ Miller
@rabbithutch: There is nothing to explaine. My suggestion was to keep out the window from Your file because it is quite clear, that it is the largest part of the file.
As a link to the warehouse it cost You no webspace.”

I this reply to me I understood that you wanted me to leave the window unit out of my file because the window unit was the largest part of the file, but if I had left the window unit out my question would have been moot because the purpose of my post was to find out how to put that component into a previously drawn wall. Your reply was not clear to me.

What is it that you want me to do better now, miller? I said that I felt better because I understood what Dan wrote but not what you wrote.

Since my op I have learned how to intersect faces which resolved the problem I was having with the window unit component therefore further posting on this topic is a waste of bandwidth.