How to start using layout?

Hi, I need help using layout.

I have recently bought Sketchup Pro after using Sketchup for Schools as I need to use layout. But I can’t seem to access it? Can someone please help me.

Do I need to deauthorize to access it? will I lose everything I’ve done if I do this? I dont know what to do

thankyou for your help.

I’m trying to add screenshots but it won’t allow me. Mine says that layout comes with the pro version but I can’t seem to launch it or use it?

What kind of screenshot files are you trying to add? How are you trying to add them?

You posted on this same topic five days ago and I tried to assist you but you never came back to that thread to answer my questions.

Have you actually downloaded and installed SketchUp Pro? What operating system are you using? Your profile says the operating system is “2022” however that isn’t an answer to the question.

Hard to know what’s the issue with so little information.

Sorry, the screenshots are what my screens look like from before purchasing the pro version to after. I was hoping that someone might be able to see the problem that way.

I really appreciate all the help that you have given me. After my last post I did find where to install the pro version so that is now on my computer but it doesn’t show all my previous work that I have done in the school version. I have something in the school version that I need to finish off in the pro version I have to use layout.
Is there a way that the work I have done in the school version can be moved to the pro version that is installed on my computer?
I have wasted so much money just on sketchup alone so I really hope that I don’t have to restart all my work because that will take me a while.
I have a PC and think i downloaded the 2022 version.

I don’t see any screenshots, though.

Normally the SketchUp files you create with SketchUp for Schools are store online. You would need to download them to your computer to be able to access them in SketchUp Pro.

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