How to pass values to HtmlDialog?

FWIW, this is how I did it (and my initial post was looking for nicer way)
In the constructor

add_action_callback("onload") do |context|

And in the html

<script type="text/javascript">
		function init() {
		function set_value(value) {
			// do something with the value
<body onload="init()">

Too much boilerplate for something that I expect is very common: passing constructor arguments into the dialog. Would have been nice if there was a way to add values to the sketchup object in JS. Something like set_value(some_name, value) that would make sketchup.some_name have value. Or, if that is not possible, have show accept a block as was in WebDialog

And while we’re on the subject of improving HtmlDialog, it would be nice to have a predefined css to get a standard look and feel (beyond raw html), and maybe jquery integration built in instead of needing to pull it into the plugin or rely on external (network) URLs.