I am developing an extension where I want to show the list of scenes for the model.
If user selects a scene then write the scene to an image.
These should help:
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Thanks a lot @jiminybillybob. That is what i was looking for.
Barebones example …
model = Sketchup.active_model
pages = model.pages
prompts = [ "Choose scene for export" ]
defaults = [ pages.selected_page.name ]
list = [ pages.map(&:name).join('|') ]
caption = "Export Scene to Image"
choice = UI.inputbox( prompts, defaults, list, caption )
if choice # false if user cancels
pages.selected_page= pages[choice]
pathname = UI.savepanel("Save view as ...", ENV["HOME"], "#{choice}.png")
if pathname # nil if user cancels
# Options
filename: pathname,
width: 800,
height: 600,
antialias: true,
compression: 0.9,
transparent: true
end # IF pathname
end # IF choice
Homework assignment:
Modify the choice inputbox (or add a second inputbox just before the image write,) to add the user’s desired options for width, height, antialias, etc.
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Thank you @DanRathbun.
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