How to export polylines from SketchUp

I have trouble with exporting polylines from SketchUp to dwg. SketchUp Help Center says it’s natively possible with File-> Export → 2D graphics → DWG → Options → Profile lines → Polyline with width. But it doesn’t work - the segments of curve are separate egdes in AutoCAD. I tried welding, grouping, componenting :stuck_out_tongue: converting to Bezier polyline and combinations of these (as you can see in the attached file)… None of them worked. It would be great if welded edges could be exported to DWG as polylines.
I’m also not very interested in SVG export with FlightOfIdeas. It neither brought satisfactory results.

polylines.skp (88.4 KB)

So it is. 2D export exports a “screenshot” with straight segments. If you need continuous polylines you will have to combine them in AutoCad. On the other hand, if what you are after is real AutoCad circles and arcs instead of line or polyline segments, you can try using the File>Export>3D Model method instead.

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You’re right. It works with 3D export. Just curious why SketchUp claims it can do that with 2d export… But that would be a question to Trimble.

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