How would one go about getting a DC (dynamic component) to rotate about Z from 0 to 45 degrees as follows:
total time 20 seconds
first 5 seconds accelerating from 0 to max speed
last 5 seconds decelerating from max speed to 0
the 10 seconds in between with constant max speed.
again, total time is 20 seconds.
As it is now with only one AnimateCustom(…) the animation gets hichups between transitions at around 5 and at around 15 seconds from the start.
OK so a bit of reading about ease in and out. It works on a scale from 0 to 100, 0 being fastest. You need to play with the ease in and ease out number to get your 5 sec on either side.
Formula: AnimateCustom(“attribute”, total time, ease-in, ease-out, start value, end value)
Thanks again for responding.
I’ve already tried your example. Unfortunately it completely eliminates the constant speed between EaseIn and Easeout. And that is what I need:
0->certain speed(x) — speed(x) — certain speed(x)->0
With values much lower than 100 the transition is not smooth.
I’ll show/share (later) a simplyfied model of what I want to rotate, taken from a larger model I have been working with.