How to access the attributes for the dynamic component?

See this post by Scott Lininger the author of Dynamic Components for SketchUp.

There is also some good information at the old api group:!searchin/sketchupruby/dynamic

Here is the code from the first link:"Plugins").add_item('Make Sang Red') {

  # Assumes that sang is the 1st entity in model.
  sang = Sketchup.active_model.entities[0]
  sang_def = sang.definition

  # Override sang's shirt color to red. ("material"
  # is a special attribute that requires
  # you to set a formula to "take control" 
  # over the default material the user has painted.)
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', 'material', 'red'
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', '_material_formula', '"red"'

  # Add a new configurable option to Sang.
  # (Any attribute that starts with an underscore
  # is a "meta attribute" that describes behavior.)
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', 'weight', '145'
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', '_weight_label', 'weight'
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', '_weight_formlabel', 'My Weight'
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', '_weight_units', 'STRING'
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', '_weight_access', 'TEXTBOX'

  # Change the description that shows
  # up in the configure box with a custom
  # formula.
  sang_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes',  '_description_formula', '"Sang is now red and weighs " & weight'

  # There is a global handle into the plugin that
  # allows you to make the same calls that the
  # plugin does, like so...
  dcs = $dc_observers.get_latest_class
