How can get the width of Layout::FormattedText?

I get same width by bounds.

def get_width(font_px)
  test_document =
  text = 'AB',, Layout::FormattedText::ANCHOR_TYPE_CENTER_CENTER
  style =
  style.font_size = font_px
  style.font_family = '黑体' = style
  text.apply_style style
  test_document.add_entity text, test_document.layers.first, test_document.pages.first
puts "10px => #{get_width(10)}"
puts "15px => #{get_width(15)}"

10px => 0.3652777671813965
15px => 0.3652777671813965
=> nil

Firstly, I think in this case that = style is not needed as the code is using the #apply_style method.

Try …

(1) text.grow_mode = Layout::FormattedText::GROW_MODE_UNBOUNDED

UPDATE: This does not matter as by default grow mode is UNBOUNDED.

If this doesn’t work, then (2) reorder statements to add the text entity to the document before making style changes.

UPDATE: Testing shows an entity’s style is not initialized until after it has been added to a document.

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It’s ok.

Please be specific about what is “ok”.

UPDATE: Testing shows an entity’s style is not initialized until after it has been added to a document.

So the correct suggestion above was (2).

ADD (9 days later): I logged an API Issue on this:

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‘it’s OK’ means that the method I quoted solved my problem.