Hide & align multiple parts + use of null node (tutorials) - graphs attached

In this discussion, you’ll find two versions of tutorial graphs along with valuable insights in discussions below that led to their completion. These tutorials focus on the alignment and visibility toggling of multiple objects using parameter menu toggles.

My Graph: Multiple Individually Customizable Parts Aligned with Toggleable Visibility

In my graph, the ultimate goal was to create independent parts, each with its unique size and parameters, while allowing for customization and the ability to align with other parts. Furthermore, I wanted to toggle the visibility of each part independently. Due to these requirements, I had to treat each part as an individual entity, making them fully customizable and alignable with other components. Based on these requirements of mine, you will find duplicated nodes, where each horizontal line of nodes going left to right on screen would be considered a part, there are three total main lines of nodes, therefore three parts with unique customizing options or flexibility for each. One of the key aspects to this graph is the use of the null node. Without the null node, as Sim mentions in his below comments, the switch would not work as there would not be enough input for the switch to work, that’s where the null (dummy node) comes in. It tricks the switch in thinking it has enough input and the graph continues forward and then works well.

Link to My Graph

Trimble Creator

Sim Joubert’s Graph: Multiple Aligning Parts with Visibility Toggles, Each with a Single Option (Not Independently Customizable in Size, etc.)

I owe thanks to Sim for his assistance in this forum post. Initially, I posted a graph that didn’t quite serve the purpose outlined in the post’s title. Fortunately, through a productive discussion as seen below, Sim provided valuable examples and guidance on how to improve my initial graph. Sim’s experience with Creator was evident, and emphasized the importance of keeping graphs clean and organized.

Sim also presented an alternative approach in his example graph, utilizing a single sphere and a box to create multiple hiding parts with minimal duplication of nodes. While Sim’s approach worked well for some, it wasn’t exactly what I was aiming for. So, it’s essential to understand that there are two versions presented here and both useful in their own ways.

Link to Sim Joubert’s Graph:

Trimble Creator

Thank you for the help on this one @simjoubert, I learned a lot from the help you provided. Now I might suggest since seeing your final graph, that you organize yours! :smile:

Thank you for your intentions,
But don’t forget that the graph must be readable by you a few days later and by someone else.
Without trying to offend you, it’s a bag of knots!
It is important to enter input and output.
For each stage of the journey, ventilate a minimum
Avoid overlapping or the superposition of several links as much as possible.

A friend who wishes you well!

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Great! Thank you for the feedback!!

As I mentioned in the graph, it’s not very organized right now. I’m eager to learn how you handle this. I’ve recently started using Creator, and I emphasize keeping things clean and straightforward, although the current graph is a bit messy until I update and fix it. It’s possible that the issues arise from my knowledge or the current state of the graph (which isn’t complete as I noticed an initial error and am working on fixing it).

I’m interested in seeing your approach to hiding multiple parts and aligning them, just like what I’m trying to achieve in the graph. I already know how to quickly align objects, as shown in a tutorial post I made on the forum link here. However, I’m now attempting to create options for multiple parts, allowing toggling their visibility on or off for each part and then aligning them together in a row, similar to the alignment in the forum tutorial post I created.

I’m guessing something like this for a more experienced user like you, would take 5 minutes or less. I’d love to see what you’d do. Eager to learn better ways to be efficient! I know your response would help the community as well!

Hello Here my five minuts.
The order of the connection to the switch are important !

WOW!! You’ve almost got it. The only thing you missed, is that part 1 starts near the origin, part 2 aligns to part 1, then part 3 aligns to part 2. When you toggle on and off part 3, in the order I describe, it should toggle off part 3. Or if I toggle off part 1, the last two should remain and the first one dissapears. The way you’ve set this up, when you toggle off any of the parts, the last object hides, then the next, etc. That’s incorrect with what I’ve tried to setup. Is there a way to do it this way? Overall feedback on why you did that would also be interesting to hear too! Thank you so far for helping.

We can delete a raw of swith, with the offset index

This is not correct. What I am trying to accomplish as I just mentioned, is to hide part 2, or 1, or 3, entirely when I toggle the switch off. So for example if I toggle off part 2, you would see a gap between 1 and 3. That is what I’m trying to accomplish. The graph you gave does not do that, though is awesome and I learned a lot from.

Also, what is the purpose of the null node?

The Switch node requires that the index sent to it be within the range of geometry choices connected to it as input.
0 => null 1 => cube 2 => sphere. Without adding the null node it only has 2 choices and therefore the 3rd raises an error

Wonderful! That is seriously helpful.

the choice node has only two elements in its list:
0 => cube 1 => sphere, for 3 choices!

If the group is deactivated, it must return 0 for this we will force the default value of the choice node it will return 0, the offset must be at 0
therefore the output value of the boolen on the choice offset, and the “NOT” node at the output of the boolen on setdefaut

Graphs completed for this post - check post description at top.


To go a little further, and simplify further while offering more possibilities.
We initially align that the primitive resulting from “switch” part 1,
We add a copy node which will copy the primitive with a translation according to a vector having the value of the width of the primitive.
We do the same thing for part2 and 3.
For alignment:
we align the min of part 3 with the max of part2 which remains fixed.
Then, we align the min of this result with the max of part 1 which remains fixed.
At the output of the last “Align” we do a transformation by translation to authorize an adjustment on the Z axis.
So that the user can join several copies of this pattern in a row like a pearl necklace, we add a new “copy” node according to a translation of the sum of the lengths of the active elements.

Elements that are “Null” should not be taken into account.
We carry out a multiplication of the number of copies by the width, but also by the value of the Boolean. The result will be zero if hidden!

Here is the link to the graph

And a little demo gif

Perhaps this will raise other questions?

:fr::rocket: :smiley:

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You’re awesome! I wonder if there is ways I can improve the use of the not nodes… I’ll dive into your graph soon and will definitely have more questions… Btw, on first glance, I LOVE the slider idea to toggle on the number of parts.