Help with simple face conversion to vertex/indexbuffer


I’m seeing that SUMeshHelperCreateWithTextureWriter is quite expensive performance wise when loading/decoding an skp file.

Previously, when encountering simple/complex faces I’m using the above function to get the vertex & index buffers. What I was seeing is that it took 13 secs to load a small 4 mb sketchup file ( not allow to post this file). Using naive simple face implementation below, I was seeing only 4 secs. I’m interested to get the simple face that is found in the WriteFace function of the skp_to_xml sample going using
SUFaceGetOuterLoop, SULoopGetVertices. Was wondering if there is a reference implementation of converting the points to vertex/index buffers when the num_loops == 1.

// This block of code would be the one based upon the WriteFace function found in skp_to_xml sample:

SULoopRef outer_loop = SU_INVALID;
SU_CALL(SUFaceGetOuterLoop(face, &outer_loop));
size_t num_vertices;
SU_CALL(SULoopGetNumVertices(outer_loop, &num_vertices));
if (num_vertices > 0) {

  std::vector<SUVertexRef> vertices(num_vertices);
  SU_CALL(SULoopGetVertices(outer_loop, num_vertices, &vertices[0],

  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) {
    XmlFaceVertex vertex_infoFront;
	XmlFaceVertex vertex_infoBack;

    // vertex position
    SUPoint3D su_point;
    SUVertexRef vertex_ref = vertices[i];
    SU_CALL(SUVertexGetPosition(vertex_ref, &su_point));
    vertex_infoFront.vertex_ = CPoint3d(su_point);
	vertex_infoBack.vertex_ = CPoint3d(su_point);

    // texture coordinates
	if (pFrontMat->m_bHasTexture ) {
      SUUVQ uvq;
      if (SUUVHelperGetFrontUVQ(uv_helper, &su_point, &uvq) ==
          SU_ERROR_NONE) {
        vertex_infoFront.front_texture_coord_ = CPoint3d(uvq.u, uvq.v, 0);

	if (pBackMat->m_bHasTexture) {
      SUUVQ uvq;
      if (SUUVHelperGetBackUVQ(uv_helper, &su_point, &uvq) ==
          SU_ERROR_NONE) { 
        vertex_infoBack.back_texture_coord_ = CPoint3d(uvq.u, uvq.v, 0);
  // Here is my naive implementation using triangle fan based upon the return vertices.
  // Will need to figure out how to handle concave/convex polygon.
  	size_t dwNumTrisFan = num_vertices - 2;
	num_indices = dwNumTrisFan * 3;
	pvIndicesToUseFront = new std::vector<size_t>(num_indices);
	pvIndicesToUseBack = new std::vector<size_t>(num_indices);
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < dwNumTrisFan; i++ )
		size_t dwIndexCurr = i * 3;

		(*pvIndicesToUseFront)[dwIndexCurr] = 0;
		(*pvIndicesToUseFront)[dwIndexCurr+1] = i + 1;
		(*pvIndicesToUseFront)[dwIndexCurr+2] = i + 2;

		(*pvIndicesToUseBack)[dwIndexCurr] = 0;
		(*pvIndicesToUseBack)[dwIndexCurr+1] = i + 2;
		(*pvIndicesToUseBack)[dwIndexCurr+2] = i + 1;

		XmlFaceVertex &F0 = pFrontMat->vertices_[(*pvIndicesToUseFront)[dwIndexCurr]];
		XmlFaceVertex &F1 = pFrontMat->vertices_[(*pvIndicesToUseFront)[dwIndexCurr+1]];
		XmlFaceVertex &F2 = pFrontMat->vertices_[(*pvIndicesToUseFront)[dwIndexCurr+2]];
		XmlGeomUtils::CPoint3d & v0 = F0.vertex_;
		XmlGeomUtils::CPoint3d & v1 = F1.vertex_;
		XmlGeomUtils::CPoint3d & v2 = F2.vertex_;

		Vector vV0 = { (f32)v0.x(), (f32)v0.y(), (f32)v0.z(), 0.f };
		Vector vV1 = { (f32)v1.x(), (f32)v1.y(), (f32)v1.z(), 0.f };
		Vector vV2 = { (f32)v2.x(), (f32)v2.y(), (f32)v2.z(), 0.f };
		Vector vE0E1 = { vV1.x - vV0.x, vV1.y - vV0.y, vV1.z - vV0.z, 0.f };
		Vector vE0E2 = { vV2.x - vV0.x, vV2.y - vV0.y, vV2.z - vV0.z, 0.f };
		Vector vNorm;
		Vector_Cross ( &vNorm, &vE0E1, &vE0E2 );
		Vector_Normalize ( &vNorm, &vNorm );
		F0.normal_.SetDirection ( vNorm.x, vNorm.y, vNorm.z );
		F1.normal_.SetDirection ( vNorm.x, vNorm.y, vNorm.z );
		F2.normal_.SetDirection ( vNorm.x, vNorm.y, vNorm.z );
		XmlFaceVertex &F0Back = pBackMat->vertices_[(*pvIndicesToUseBack)[dwIndexCurr]];
		XmlFaceVertex &F1Back = pBackMat->vertices_[(*pvIndicesToUseBack)[dwIndexCurr+1]];
		XmlFaceVertex &F2Back = pBackMat->vertices_[(*pvIndicesToUseBack)[dwIndexCurr+2]];
		Vector vNormNeg;
		Vector_Scale ( &vNormNeg, -1.f, &vNorm );
		F0Back.normal_.SetDirection ( vNormNeg.x, vNormNeg.y, vNormNeg.z );
		F1Back.normal_.SetDirection ( vNormNeg.x, vNormNeg.y, vNormNeg.z );
		F2Back.normal_.SetDirection ( vNormNeg.x, vNormNeg.y, vNormNeg.z );

Thanks in advance,