Help with dragging a line upward whilst on a curve?

You will find it simplest to use a plugin to create a helical shape. It can be done with native tools as well, though it is a good deal slower.

Search the forum for ‘spiral stairs’ - here’s one good resulting thread:

Once you have a helix, use FollowMe for a round handrail, but if it’s rectangular or profiled, use Eneroth’s Upright Extruder extension from the 3D Warehouse - FollowMe will rotate the profile.

While you are at it, you should clean up your stair model.

All the visible faces are blue-grey - or Reversed. Select them all, then R-click and Reverse faces. That should make all the faces show white outside.

It looks as if you have rather a lot of edges in your curves, and not of even length either.

Try redrawing them with the arc tool.

Or use a Spiral Staircase Dynamic Component. One I developed is on the 3D Warehouse, and may do most of what you want - it draws the steps, handrail and balusters with several editable parameters to get the shape and size you want.

Search for spiral stairs dynamic for a range of options, or try this direct link to my component. 

OOPS - the image is showing in preview, but not in the uploaded forum post. I’ve edited the post to show a link you can copy and paste into a browser.