Grouping problems

I did try just assigning the selected to layers but it was still removing bits that seemed to be attached behind . exploding and deleting those layers sorted it out

Not really a tutorial, but shows the tool in action.

just had a bug splat and might of lost a load of work does it auto save anywhere

If you saved the file already, try opening it again. Very likely SketchUp will prompt you to open the newer backup file instead.

Find the .skb file, rename it and change the extension suffix from .skb to .skp. This should allow you to retrieve the most recent version of the file before the bugsplat. BE SURE TO SAVE THE FILE ONCE IT IS FOUND.

how do you find it

Using File Explorer, do a search in the folder where your work resides. Type the ā€œfilenameā€.skb. The search box is located at the fhe right just below the File - Computer - View ribbon.

Did you try what I suggested?

opened it an loads missing no prompts

What do you mean? ā€œloads missingā€? The backup probably only has back to the last time it was saved or auto saved. A lot can happen between auto saves.

ā– ā– ā– ā–  would it not of saved before it splatted

It might have but not necessarily. It depends what caused the splat.

just check all files to make sure im trying to retrieve in the right file

Pull up the skb file. This should be a recent version of the subject file. Save this and resume your work from that point.

so give up on retrieving. i was loving sketch up till i lost all that work :frowning:

A good lesson in why itā€™s a good idea to save periodically.That applies to any software, not just SketchUp.


why dont bugsplats presave before splatting

As I said before, it often does but it depends on what causes the crash.

If you have Autosave enabled, the backup file should be current to the last Auto save or the last time you manually save the file.

I use SketchUp for hours every day and I canā€™t remember the last time I had a Bug Splat.

il be honest dave the computer nearly got launched across the room - until i remembered id just spent Ā£400 on it :frowning: