Many thanks all for the help
Here is Dan revisited code and checks. Need some improvements like checking Windows and Ruby version.
String.encode needed? Why?
How do you colorize your code on the forum?
so code picture
and code (thanks to Dan. I’ve got colorized code!)
def system_read(str_cmd)
filename = nil
raise('system_read(str_cmd). str_cmd must be a string.') unless str_cmd.is_a?(String)
raise('system_read(str_cmd). str_cmd must not be empty string.') if str_cmd.length == 0
str_data = IO::popen(str_cmd) {|io| io.read}.strip()
bol_exit = ($?.exitstatus == 0)
if str_data.empty? or !bol_exit
filename = ENV['TMP'].encode('UTF-8').gsub('\\','/') + "/" + (Time.new.to_f * 1000).to_i.to_s
bol_exit = system(str_cmd + " > " + filename)
str_data = File.read(filename).strip()
return bol_exit, str_data
rescue => e
puts e.message
if filename && File::exist?(filename)
File::delete(filename) rescue nil
bol_exit, str_data = system_read('echo "Hello world!"')
puts " with Sketchup " + Sketchup.version.split(".")[0]+"\n "+
bol_exit.to_s + ", ->" + str_data + "<-\n end with"
now checks
with Sketchup 17
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 16
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 15
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 14
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 13
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 8
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 17
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 8
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 16
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
with Sketchup 8
true, ->"Hello world!"<-
end with
all right. good news!
may you run the script on your Macs and tell me results please?
@MSP_Greg or any other Windows User facing same issue
may you run the script and tell me results please?
Have a good day