Geometry check please

censorship is a bit tough round here, dam* is fairly tame

I have redrawn everything to the best of my limited knowledge and made everything a single component, but I cannot select the ‘top plate’ with a single click to make it a component. When I do try a warning pops up that says that component already exists yet I cant see it in outliner

rotating _tool_top.skp (44.2 KB)

Have a look in the components window. SketchUp keeps all components that you’ve created in the model file, even if you aren’t using them and have no instances in the outliner. Your old top plate component will be there. I haven’t looked at your latest file as I’m on my phone here.

If you’re sure you want to replace it, just ignore the warning and replace it.

Unused components can be purged all at once in window menu → model info → statistics → purge unused, This will also remove unused styles.

You can also remove them one at a time by right clicking on them in the components window and choosing delete.

Thanks @McGordon
I checked but its not there, there is something strange going on so I will upload an animation

I have no idea why I cant make a complete solid top, as the gif shows I can make it solid if I dont make it the full size

When you deleted the original before making the gif you didn’t delete all the raw geometry, you probably left the sides which is causing the problem.

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Thanks @Box
That did the trick, can you tell me how I can select the complete top now to make it a component, I can only select different areas of the thing not the whole piece

Triple click, right click, make component.

By the way, it’s the bottom, you have your model space upside-down.


lol, well I’ll be
I’m on a steep learning curve here :roll_eyes:

One thing to note with the forum software, you keep ticking the solution box each time someone gives you an answer.
You should only tick it for the Main answer that is most relevant to the original thread question.
Other things you can hit like if you want because you can have multiple likes in a thread but only One Solution.

Ahh ok
thanks again

Is there a way that I can place this brace in the middle of the other 2 ?
When I copy the brace it snaps the outer edge to the middle point but I would like the centre of the middle brace to line up with the centre point .

Grab the center point of the brace and move it to the center.
Look for the midpoint inference on the brace, then look for the midpoint on the shelf.

thanks very much, I never knew to move from a centre point, another point learnt :slight_smile:

Getting the hang of how to use the various inferences is pretty important.
As you see here I use the midpoint of two edges to grab a face by its center point, then place it into the center of the other face using the same process.

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Excellent illustration ! I never knew about doing that

Thanks again

You will find most of the answers to the problems you have encountered in the video basic training: SketchUp Campus

The other thing I found useful was the D’Oh book :slight_smile: The D'oh Book | SketchUcation

The Sketchucation video tutorials are very good, too. SketchUp and LayOut Tutorials | SketchUcation

An hour spent going through those will save you hours of fumbling and redrawing.

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most people don’t tick it at all. :confused:

Is it possible to resize a particular component with redrawing the whole thing ?
I have incorrectly made the legs 75mmx35mm instead of 90mmx35mm and all I can seem to do is move the legs rather than resize

Assuming the leg is straight, Double click to open the leg for editing, then select the narrow face and use the move tool to move it 15mm in the correct direction.