Forum processing uploads?

Have been trying to start a new topic in the forum but processing uploads seems to take forever. I was uploading three jpg´s about 400 kb each. Am I doing something wrong ?

Might be something on your end. I just upload this image which is 1.17 Mb on my computer and it uploaded in about 2 seconds. The forum downsampled it, though.

How are you going about uploading them?

I just use the upload button and select the files from my desktop, and two of the three files uploads fast but the third keeps processing forever. You are right I should take a good look at that file.


What happens if you drag and drop the images into your post? Drag them one at a time.

What is your upload speed? Typically it is WAY slower than the download speed.

Do you have non-ascii characters in the file names?

Yes Anssi, as a matter of fact I have the Icelandic letter Ö in the filenames. Could that be it ?

That could be it.

OK thanks. I will rename the files and try the upload again tomorrow.

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Good luck. Make sure you put it in the Gallery category, too. Now we’re excited to see the images.

Yes I guess I just do it tonight then

The upload problem was in Safari the browser . I haven´t figured it out what exactly , but when I switced to Firefox ,Everything went smoothly.