im creating design that has planters in that are in a curved shape. im trying to raise them like in the image on the right but the other shapes won’t generate a face. i have tried welding the lines and look for gaps. when clicking on the spaces the lines are connected. they are very specific to a design that I have mad in a model.
Generally if faces won’t form when you close loops of edges, the edges aren’t coplanar. Maybe you can share the .skp file so we can see what you’ve got and help you identify the exact problem.
It’s a good general tip to model the 2D shapes on an existing surface first before extruding. That makes it easier to keep things coplanar.
There are also extensions that will take non-coplanar geometry and flatten it.
Planters .skp (300.1 KB)
Note the Z-values. They should all be the same but they aren’t. The edges are not coplanar.
As Simon suggested, if you start by drawing a large rectangle and then outline your planters on it making sure your edges stay on plane, you won’t have any problems.
I fixed your curves for you by flattening them.
Planters .skp (563.7 KB)
Thank you both for your help. Dunno if you can tell how new I am to Sketch up
Spent a lot of time searching and developed my own method. You can print to 2D, which for me ended up creating an inner and outer ring of everything. From there, I use convertio to convert the 2D picture into a .dxf file, and then import that into SketchUp. Once it’s loaded in, you can see the “double” edges, and double click on one, hopefully set if not delete them piece by piece.
THEN… edges should be able to form. I’m using the Eneroth Face Creator extension. It’s still pretty labor intensive, but given the amount of time I spent creating, what I thought was a flat set of edges representing my image, I did not want to waste that effort. Further, I would imagine if I tried again from start I would end up having the same issue.