
Hello to you all,
some help to close the face…see pictures…
Thank you

Proteo.rb (3.2 KB)

You can’t just use add_face as these points aren’t coplanar. Think of how you’d cover that awkward hole in SketchUp. It might be easier if the edges (pt_3, pt_13) and (pt-13, pt-9) were an arc with the same number of segments as arc(pt_2, p_3)

Here’s one way: I Divided the edge from pt_9 → pt_13 into 3 then drew lines from each vertex to the corresponding vertex on the arc. Drew diagonal lines across these to form triangular faces.

Divide the edge from pt_3 to pt_13 into 2 and drew a line across to the 2nd-from-top point on the arc. Again, I drew a diagonal line across this to form a triangular face.

That’s just one way out of probably infinite ways. Pick one then write your code to draw it.

Then hide/soften/smooth the edges you don’t want to see.


I thank you for your answer… I try to see what I can do…

Get one of the perimeter edges and call …


Dear Mr Dan, a little more detail in particular is possible…
Thank you

I was thinking something like this …

          faces_adicional = 0
          arc.each {|edge| faces_adicional += edge.find_faces }
          puts "faces adicional: #{faces_adicional}"

… BUT this does not work either.

You must do as @McGordon suggests above.

Here is the code fixed up. Indents at 2 spaces. A module instead of a class. The extension module wrapped in a toplevel namespace module. And a few nifty support methods added.

Beppe64_CodiceProteo.rb (4.9 KB)

Oh, and I commented out the material assignment, so I could see which way the faces were facing.
You shouldn’t assign material whilst trying to get geometry building code to work.

Dear Mr. Dan,
a sincere and heartfelt thanks for his help,
now all I have to do is study the lines of code he wrote,
to honor the time he has dedicated to solve my problem…

Thanks again.

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Feel free to change the toplevel author namespace module identifier (as it’s your unique namespace.)
All of your extensions and code must evaluate within this unique namespace module.

I just made up “GiuseppeBeppe64” for the example. You need to settle upon a good unique namespace module identifier. Use something that identifies you or your company.

I put some ### brackets around places I modified in your original proteo() method.

Line 62 is where I commented out the material assignment.

Also Line 86
#edges_adicional.each {|edge| edge.find_faces }
… can be deleted … because the code now uses the make_faces() method instead.

Line 99
#edges_adicional.each {|edge| edge.soften; edge.smooth }
… can be uncommented if you wish to soften and smooth the curved surface.

I also placed #{##}# brackets around this …

      lato_x = 75.cm
      lato_y = 125.cm
      altezza_z = 82.cm
      pt_orig_Prot = ORIGIN #Geom::Point3d.new(0, 0, 0)
      pt_1 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([53.cm, 0, 0])
      pt_2 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([22.cm, 0, altezza_z-25.13.cm])
      pt_3 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([0, 0, altezza_z-12.cm])
      pt_4 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([0, 0, altezza_z])
      pt_5 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([22.cm, 0, altezza_z])
      pt_6 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([lato_x, 0, 2.cm])
      pt_7 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([lato_x, 0, 0])
      pt_2arc = pt_orig_Prot.transform([0, 0, altezza_z-37.cm])
      pt_8 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([53.cm, 90.cm, 0])
      pt_9 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([22.cm, 25.55.cm, altezza_z-25.13.cm])
      pt_10 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([0, 25.55.cm, altezza_z-25.13.cm])
      pt_11 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([0, 90.cm, 0])
      pt_12 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([0, 13.cm, altezza_z-14.cm])
      pt_13 = pt_orig_Prot.transform([10.cm, 13.cm, altezza_z-14.cm])
      #pt_mesh = ([pt_2, pt_9, pt_13, pt_3])

… because it doesn’t make sense.

You are adding this geometry into a new group entities context, where all coordinates are based upon the group entities’ ORIGIN point. There is need to transform every point.

You can simply do this …

      lato_x = 75.cm
      lato_y = 125.cm
      altezza_z = 82.cm
      pt_orig_Prot = ORIGIN
      pt_1 = Geom::Point3d.new([53.cm, 0, 0])
      pt_2 = Geom::Point3d.new([22.cm, 0, altezza_z-25.13.cm])
      pt_3 = Geom::Point3d.new([0, 0, altezza_z-12.cm])
      pt_4 = Geom::Point3d.new([0, 0, altezza_z])
      pt_5 = Geom::Point3d.new([22.cm, 0, altezza_z])
      pt_6 = Geom::Point3d.new([lato_x, 0, 2.cm])
      pt_7 = Geom::Point3d.new([lato_x, 0, 0])
      pt_2arc = Geom::Point3d.new([0, 0, altezza_z-37.cm])
      pt_8 = Geom::Point3d.new([53.cm, 90.cm, 0])
      pt_9 = Geom::Point3d.new([22.cm, 25.55.cm, altezza_z-25.13.cm])
      pt_10 = Geom::Point3d.new([0, 25.55.cm, altezza_z-25.13.cm])
      pt_11 = Geom::Point3d.new([0, 90.cm, 0])
      pt_12 = Geom::Point3d.new([0, 13.cm, altezza_z-14.cm])
      pt_13 = Geom::Point3d.new([10.cm, 13.cm, altezza_z-14.cm])

… or even this (as Arrays are compatible with points and vectors.)

      lato_x = 75.cm
      lato_y = 125.cm
      altezza_z = 82.cm
      pt_orig_Prot = ORIGIN
      pt_1 = [53.cm, 0, 0]
      pt_2 = [22.cm, 0, altezza_z-25.13.cm]
      pt_3 = [0, 0, altezza_z-12.cm]
      pt_4 = [0, 0, altezza_z]
      pt_5 = [22.cm, 0, altezza_z]
      pt_6 = [lato_x, 0, 2.cm]
      pt_7 = [lato_x, 0, 0]
      pt_2arc = [0, 0, altezza_z-37.cm]
      pt_8 = [53.cm, 90.cm, 0]
      pt_9 = [22.cm, 25.55.cm, altezza_z-25.13.cm]
      pt_10 = [0, 25.55.cm, altezza_z-25.13.cm]
      pt_11 = [0, 90.cm, 0]
      pt_12 = [0, 13.cm, altezza_z-14.cm]
      pt_13 = [10.cm, 13.cm, altezza_z-14.cm]

Dear Mr. Dan,
a further thanks for the new tips…

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