Is there a solution to the problem which has been around for quite some time of “file not found” when attempting to open a file who’s directory contains an accent mark?
Is there a solution to the problem which has been around for quite some time of “file not found” when attempting to open a file who’s directory contains an accent mark?
“Don’t do that” is the best advice I can give. There is somewhere a list of “forbidden” characters in Windows or Mac file and folder names, and I strongly recommend that you observe it. Personally I seem to find that it is best to limit to the old set of ASCII characters and numbers whenever possible.
Thanks for the reply and advice Anssi. Unfortunately the problems stem from users of my scripts who have user names with accents. I was hoping not to have to suggest they change user name, but perhaps doing so may save them from other problems.
Thanks again,
So this is a Ruby related query ?
Up until v2014 accented file paths were a guaranteed fail
To get a possibly valid reference I use something like this in code - it gets the folder-path of the running script…
if defined?(Encoding)
### >= v2014 lashup, should work with accents in user-names etc
### < v2014, might fail with accents in user-names etc
### Now 'mypath' is a reference to the path of this script's folder...
### typically .../Plugins
myfolder=File.join(mypath, "MyToolName")
### typically .../Plugins/MyToolName