Deleting Redundant Edges from a Solid

EDIT … Please see this other thread using plane / vertex comparison …

Would something like this also work ?

# Erase redundant edges in an entities context. A face is redundant if it is
# used by more than 1 face and all it's faces have parallel normal vectors.
# @param context [Sketchup::Entities] can be any entities context (choose from: 
# model.entities, model.active_entities, group.entities or definition.entities.)
# @return [Integer] count of deleted edges.
def erase_redundant_edges(context)
  edge_list = context.grep(Sketchup::Edge)
  redundant = edge_list.find_all do |e|
    next false unless e.faces > 1
    vector = e.faces.first.normal
    e.faces.all? { |f| f.normal.parallel?(vector) }
  unless redundant.empty?
    context.model.start_operation('Remove redundant edges',true,false,true)
  redundant.count { |e| e.deleted? }

Edited: To put whole operation inside unless redundant.empty? block.
Edit-2: Corrected first line to remove call to .entities as context should be an Sketchup::Entities instance object. Added docsting for YARD. Adding return a count of deleted edges.
Edit-3: Corrected the erase_entities line (in the operation) to remove .entities call (as it is now an entities context.)

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