Curving a handrail using Flowify


I am trying to curve a handrail using Flowify. I understand the grouping requirements. The handrail is not connected to the spiral stairs. I am using an extruded line as the handrail guide.

I cannot seem to get the much needed grid on the base face. Not sure what else i can do to get to the grid stage.

There’s not much point telling us about it without supplying your model so we can see what is wrong.

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thanks very much for the reply attached is sketchup file greatly appreciate your help

Hi have been trying to make it work with the Eneroth Upright Extruder without any success hoping I can get some results with Flowify

(Attachment Arches and Curved Stairs.skp is missing)

Arches and Curved Stairs.skp

You have set up a third thread with the same topic. This makes it difficult to help. Errors in the previous steps can, and in your cause, make problems in the next steps. Besides, the link to your model needs to be authenticated.

(Attachment Arches and Curved Stairs.skp is missing)

Hi Sturnus

What do I need to do to authenticate my model and fix the third thread

The SKP file must be made public.
Besides, as I wrote. you make mistakes from the very beginning. Firstly - the technology in which these stairs will be made, secondly, the number of steps and their width - the number depends on the height of the room. The most comfortable steps are approximately 17.5 x 30 cm (7 x 12 inches). In your case, be is 21 steps. Thirdly - one wider step in the spiral part complicates the construction of wooden stairs. Fourth - mixing winding and operating stairs also complicates the design and seems superfluous.
And most of all - using tools like Mesh bender or Flowify makes sense when it comes to visualization. In case you want to use the geometry for the execution of executive documentation, it does not make sense in most cases. Geometry distortions cause, for example, that a square bar will be a trapezoid and a round bar will have an egg cross section.
Below - stairs witch I make for my friend so that you know that I know what I’m talking about

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Hi Sturnus

My question was in regards to using Flowify. I am not building these stairs this is only for a rendering.

If you want to share the model you must give people access.

I have never compressed a Sketchup file what is the easiest way to compress a sketchup file and send as an attachment

If the image posted shows your whole model it should be small enough to post directly to the forum. Purge unused (Model Info>Statistics), save and drag the file to a forum reply window, or use the Upload button (the icon with an upward arrow, eighth from the left in the message window).

Thanks for you advice Anssi I attached the file hopefully you can access
Arches and Curved Stairs.skp (8.9 MB)