I would like to create custom grip points on my components. So i can move them from these grip points to other component’s grip points.
Thank you for any help.
I would like to create custom grip points on my components. So i can move them from these grip points to other component’s grip points.
Thank you for any help.
Hi Dezmo,
I would like to do the exact same thing with this extension myself.
Nice target, to learn. However there is a tool already… so probably you could use the existing one.
Sounds great.
You must ask specific coding questions to get any help.
We are not going to explain how to write the entire extension as it is a major undertaking.
Hello Dan,
I know Sketchup not coding, and my coder buddy has just started to code for sketchup. I insisted on him to ask a forum but he was so stubborn and now i know why. It’s more complicated than i thought.
Maybe these links can give some clue to him;
Am i close?
That looks cool. Reminds me of the snapping functionality of the Aluvision Sketchup extension: 3D stand design - Aluvision for SketchUp plugin - YouTube