I would like to create submenus in plugins menu.
In fact, I have several .rb file I would like to create a submenu in the menu to call these pluging file .rb
I a.rb b.rb and c.rb
I would like to have in the plugins menu:
Plugins => “My Scripts” => “A”, “B”, “C”
And when I click on A, B or C the corresponding script starts.
I saw that some proposed script do this but I don’t understand how their authors have done.
submenu = plugins_menu.add_submenu("myTest")
submenu.add_item("a"){ UI.messagebox "I'm a" }
submenu.add_item("b"){ UI.messagebox "I'm b" }```
instead of a message box you can use ```load "path/to/a.rb"```
or similar
have a look at the API docs at Menu...
Thank you for your answer,
your script creates submenu, but my .rb doesn’t executes when I click on “a”
If my .rb files in the same folder, the script is :
plugins_menu = UI.menu(“Plugins”)
submenu = plugins_menu.add_submenu(“myTest”)
submenu.add_item(“a”){ scripta.rb }
submenu.add_item(“b”){ scriptb.rb }
Jim’s is better, but to explain why your test failed…
you have submenu.add_item(“a”){ scripta.rb }
this fails as SU has no idea what to do with it or where it lives…
if you use load it tells SU to load the file in the “full path to this file”
so you would need submenu.add_item("a"){ load "full path to/scripta.rb" } with the full path…
my example was simply adding to the API example to show you the basic principle…
temppath = File.join(home,"scripts")
if Kernel.test(?d,temppath)
Dir.chdir(temppath) {
load "scripta.rb"
UI.messagebox("Error! Directory path does not exist:\n"<<('"'+temppath+'"')
This is not yet possible, but long overdue. Sorry…
The menu references get quickly garbage collected after the script that creates them runs.
We have tried assigning them to persistent references on the Ruby side, but they become invalid on the C-side.
Good topic! It enabled me to finally clean up my extensions menu. I used Jim’s code and even without the ‘require…’ it worked fine for me. So the code in the menu file is just:
I understand that you mean submenu be duplicated when you add a new tool to your previous submenu list.
I’m not sure but I think the reason is that we add submenu in different modules
I try adding repeatedly in the same module in your main module for all tools and it works
I have 2 tools in seperate ruby files
In tool A rb file you have:
module MyToolBox
module ToolA
#Do something
submenu = MyMenu.get_menu()
submenu.add_item(“a”){ scripta.rb }
end #module ToolA
module MyMenu
def self.get_menu()
plugins_menu = UI.menu(“Plugins”)
submenu = plugins_menu.add_submenu(“myList”)
end #def get_menu
end #module MyMenu
end #module MyToolBox
In tool B rb file you have:
module MyToolBox
module ToolB
#Do something
submenu = MyMenu.get_menu()
submenu.add_item(“b”){ scriptb.rb }
end #module ToolB
module MyMenu
def self.get_menu()
plugins_menu = UI.menu(“Plugins”)
submenu = plugins_menu.add_submenu(“myList”)
end #def get_menu
end # module MyMenu
end #module MyToolBox
This will not currently work well unless these multiple files are loaded by a single call to Sketchup::require (ie, they are part of the same extension.)