Can skp be converted to PDF
You can export a PDF from SketchUp Pro or Make. Not from SketchUp Free, though.
Thanks Dave
Check this plugin: SimLab 3D PDF Exporter for SketchUp
A plugin would be for make or pro only. Options for now until PDF is supported on web version:
You can screenshot and convert to PDF
You can print the browser window from browser menus and option to save as PDF.
You can send your file to the warehouse then download it using sketchup Make17 (desktop) and then export PDF
Unless you mean 3D PDF. Then your options are more limited.
Thanks Champ Ill give it a go
Ok thanks for that, Im new so pro is not yet an option, yes I did want to
export 3D
OK so for 3D PDF the viable free pathway for you would be to load your model into the 3Dwarehouse from web based Free. Download Sketchup Make17 to your hard drive and install the plugin @filibis suggested, then download your model from the warehouse into sketchup make17 and run the plugin.
There are a few 3D PDF extensions available but Simlab makes great stuff, I use a few of their converters. I believe that plug-in is a trial version that makes 30 exports then costs $99.
Are you looking to share a 3D file with someone? I find that not everyone has the ability to view 3D PDF consistently, many don’t have updated acrobat and the files don’t always work out. Just a thought.
Sounds like a good path, thanks again.
I have a friend that has Solid works, & an expert, so he sent me an easm
file, so I had to download the latest adobe to view and rotate the model,
he in turn could not open the skp.
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