Component finder and Sketchup Crashing

I’m having an issue where Sketchup will crash whenever I save a component via the Component Finder extension. This happens on both my laptop and a desktop I recently purchased. It’s been going on for some time now. I was hoping the issue would not persist on the new desktop, but, sadly, it does. The crash occurs with both SU2022 and SU2023. No bugsplat screen appears after the crash. Anyone have an idea how to remedy this? It’s very annoying. Thanks in advance!

have you also contacted the extension developer directly ? since it’s an extension crashing, we can’t do a lot here, they can probably fix it.

I’m moving your topic in the extension section of the forum, someone might have had the same issue.

I’m sure @Yoni can help you

I did drop a post on the extension forum. If I don’t hear anything soon, I will contact them directly. Thanks.

After doing some research, I found that Enscape may be the culprit. I disabled all of my extensions except Component Finder. I had no issues. I re-enabled them one by one and when I got to Enscape the issue returned. I disabled Enscape again and the issue went away again. I’ve contacted both developers Component Finder is working on it. Haven’t heard back from Enscape. Just thought I’d pass it along in case someone else comes across this issue.

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