Example: Simple CSV Export for Selected Components
# encoding: UTF-8
module YourNamespace # <---<<< Change to your unique namespace name
module SomePlugin # <---<<< Change to some appropriate extension name
extend self
VERSION ||= '1.0.0'
DC_DICT ||= 'dynamic_attributes'
def build_csv(insts)
# Create a string with the field headers record:
csv_text = 'Name,X,Y,Z,LenX,LenY,LenZ' << "\n"
# Iterate the chosen component instances and append record data:
insts.each do |inst|
origin = inst.transformation.origin
# Use the Length#to_s method to output text in model units:
x, y, z = origin.x.to_s, origin.y.to_s, origin.z.to_s
# Numeric values are returned as Float, so convert
# to Length so we can leverage it's #to_s method:
units = dc_attr(inst,'_lengthunits')
if units == 'CENTIMETERS'
lenx = dc_attr(inst,'lenx').cm.to_s rescue ''
leny = dc_attr(inst,'leny').cm.to_s rescue ''
lenz = dc_attr(inst,'lenz').cm.to_s rescue ''
else # assume units == 'INCHES'
lenx = dc_attr(inst,'lenx').to_l.to_s rescue ''
leny = dc_attr(inst,'leny').to_l.to_s rescue ''
lenz = dc_attr(inst,'lenz').to_l.to_s rescue ''
# Define a literal array object for this data record:
data = [ name(inst), x, y, z, lenx, leny, lenz ]
# Concatenate the data values separated by a comma,
# using the Array#join method:
record = data.join(',')
# Append the record with a newline character to the text:
csv_text << record << "\n"
return csv_text
def dc_attr(inst,attr)
# Always check instance first:
val = inst.get_attribute(DC_DICT,attr)
if val.nil? # Does not differ from definition:
val = inst.definition.get_attribute(DC_DICT,attr)
#puts "Value for #{attr} is: #{val}"
return val
def export_csv
# Get a list of the target component instances:
model = Sketchup.active_model
insts = model.selection.grep(Sketchup::ComponentInstance)
# Code could further filter the items by say those whose
# name begins with 'Cabinet' substring. Example:
# insts.select! {|inst| name(inst).start_with?('Cabinet') }
return false if insts.empty? # bailout
# Prompt for the csv data filename and path:
pathname = UI.savepanel('CSV Save As...','*.csv')
# Write out the csv data text to a file if user did not cancel:
File.write(pathname, build_csv(insts)) if pathname
def name(inst)
name = inst.name
if name.empty?
if inst.definition.attribute_dictionary(DC_DICT)
name = dc_attr(inst,'name')
name = dc_attr(inst,'_name') unless name
else # not a Dynamic Component
name = inst.definition.name
return name
if !defined?(@loaded)
::UI.menu('File').add_item('My CSV Selection') { export_csv() }
@loaded = true
end # this extension submodule
end # your namepsace module