Censorship and Dictatorship in SketchUp Forum is Worse than Ever!

Maybe we need a new forum category…Advertising, for sale or something like it. But on the other hand if one chooses to look at a post and doesn’t care for the contents, one can move on to another post or topic.


@RLGL keep in mind that we content creators are not only advertising for us personally because SketchUp benefits from the exposure as well. It is the definition of a Win-Win situation.

Advertising can be a two edged sword


with everything… or better, too much said on the subject, it’s maybe time to close this unedifying thread.


I think you are ethically on substantial ground but there are valid arguments on both sides, especially when the Capitalist environment that is America is considered. The people that went to the time, trouble and expense of providing this forum should have control over how it functions along with their business plan.
I like Musk’s approach to competition: Bring everybody, anybody, and everything I’ve got is available to share. Then when he wins, there are no arguments.
I think his point works in both the Capitalist and the ‘other’ world; You don’t have to manipulate to be the best, just stay focused.

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Somewhere between ‘complete freedom to post anything’ and ‘censorship for posts flagged’ - a poll - better yet if your feedback to such a poll tweaked personal access accordingly and guides users so they get the content they prefer without finding something they need to flag and must see changed or removed before they can continue using the site…, that will mean all the people who disagree on what’s what can still use the same site to their own ends without conflicting with one another - they will simply never encounter offending content again in future.
I’m under the impression php/sql would offer up that kind of dynamic in web page content and so it should be relatively easy to implement if the means is there and an author of it has a mind to make it so…

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While I agree with you in general. I don’t see the need to joke about it here in this context. It’s clear he’s frustrated but passive aggression is hardly helpful to his call for empathy in this matter.

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