Can't open Layers window

I’m trying to learn sketchup pro, and my dropdown menus are radically different from those shown in the courses. I’m trying to open the Layers window, and I don’t have that option. Is there another way to access it?

The Layers panel is in the default tray which should be displayed on the right side of the screen. Look in Window>Default Tray and make sure it is checked on. The screenshot from the tutorial shows SketchUp on Mac but you are using it on Windows.

Open the Default Tray window, and you should see Layers there.

If not, add it.

Sorry, I’m on Mac which is different, so I can’t quite remember how to do the ‘add it’ bit.

Just fired up a Windows machine with an older version of SU. Use Manage Trays to edit what windows go in which tray.

I found it under the default tray. Thanks Gentlemen!