Can't open anything in SU22

So it’s a: normally I do it like I’m supposed to do it, but sometimes I’m lazy and would like a magic wand kind of feature request…

By golly, now you gettin’ it.

You can also create your own templates for simple or more sophisticated task.


Now I see. Even the feature you want is there, you don’t want to use it. You just want to use it the way you imagine.

I have good news. SketchUp have this abilities.

Not exactly like this because a spreadsheet is basically different than the 3D model, but say, the concept is similar.
Since the features you want are terribly user-dependent, I don’t think it’s worth involving the SU development team in this. However, they thought about it anyway and created the SketchUp Ruby API.

Perhaps the feature you want is already there. You can check e.g.:

If you can’t find it:

  • Feel free to write whatever you want. As I see above, you have been successfully involved in software development, so there should be no problem.
  • Create a new topic, describe the task exactly, precisely as detailed as possible with examples, screenshots, videos…whatever.
    I can’t promise anything right now, but there’s a chance someone will give you a solution.

Thank you for the suggestions. As to templates, I set up a template a long time ago. It’s what I start any project with.
The suggestion about creating my own API is something I have given a lot of thought. I’ve been involved with programmers for many years, but have specifically avoided doing it myself. In fact, it’s been a long time now since I’ve written any macros in a spreadsheet. I noticed the rb extensions for plugins when getting started, and as I said, I have, and will continue to give it consideration. The problem is time, and willingness to commit to yet another discipline. Just learning Sketchup has been a much greater challenge than I anticipated. Like many, I have an awful lot going on, and many things just get pushed off to the future, for no better reason than the lack of time.
Software in general is a work in progress. I’m sure the development team at Sketchup doesn’t think that SU22 is the absolute ultimate. I’m also sure they’re always thinking of ways to improve what they’ve already done. I can’t imagine a better inspirational source for directions to head in, than suggestions from the people who actually use their product.

So here’s a useful response to, what might be interpreted as your sarcastic remark below. I’m not sure if anyone made this specific suggestion, or not, but, I discovered that in Preferences, I could establish a shortcut that would do exactly what I wanted. Now all I have to do is to tap the “1” on the numeric keypad, and all edges (including back edges) are displayed. Tap it again and they’re gone. There always seems to be more is Sketchup than meets the eye immediately.

Please no.
Leave it as it is, in many case one may want to turn off edges visibility EXACTLY because don’t want them to clutter inference.

I agree: inferences to invisible things would be very confusing!


How about having the option to, or not to inference to hidden hidden end points, mid points, etc.?

Don’t we have that option by simply showing hidden geometry? With a single keystroke I can inference any point in my model instantly, and this state is easily toggled on and off. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding the ask.

I currently have a model up where that does not work. But the hot key for hidden geometry does, if Edges or on. Happens to be “k” on my keyboard. I also have hot keys for Edges and for Profiles.

Hmmm. That’s confusing to me, hot keys or shortcuts are not a file specific setting, what works with one should work with all. K is the standard back edges shortcut but of course can be remapped to anything. Interesting I very rarely see a need for profiles and my edges are always on unless I’m outputting a graphic in a specific style.

If I hide something, I do it on purpose.
If I need stuff, I just turn them on again.
To be honest, I already find absolutely awful the greyed out hidden stuff in outliner they added from SU2020 or such. That’s so messy.

It really depends what you’re working on. If you’re working on upholstered furniture, as I frequently do, then having Edges and Profiles on can create quite a mess. That’s where those hot keys come in very handy. Of course there is always X-Ray view.

I work with all kind of complex surfaces, not only furniture.
If you know what you are doing is pretty easy to manage this stuff without messing the interface too much.

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