Can't delete or erase

Regarding @Box’s comment about incorrect tag usage, I expect if you first fix that, you won’t have any problems. This is what I found in your model.
Screenshot - 10_19_2022 , 8_10_41 AM
Can you delete the edges you want to get rid of in this file?
Analysis sheet rushgrove spare in case of disaster.skp (9.8 MB)

Hi all
I think where i am going wrong is i am using a tag to design in which if im correct i should use untagged then put into a tag of its own after designing is complete?
Also i have a large jpeg inserted under the model which i fear is interfering with the geometry.
I am going to try to get rid of it.

the file i uploaded is the file i am having the “wont delete” problem

Also its not a hidden tag as the geometry which i want to delete is not within a hidden tag

You should leave Untagged active so that ALL edges and faces are created and remain untagged. Use groups and components to contain the geometry for parts of your model and give the tags to those groups and components as needed.

But there’s other geometry connected to that geometry which is because it’s all loose geometry.

Thank you but… If i am designing a space there will be loads of geometry untagged. I may need to switch some of that geometry on and off say for example ground plan/ drainage plan/ electrical plan etc etc.

You need to put the ground plan geometry into a group. The electrical plan into another group and so on. THEN give the tags to the groups. The geometry inside the groups remains untagged.

It would be a good idea if you go through the SketchUp fundamentals at before you get any deeper in your project. Your file, as it sits will be very difficult to work with because you haven’t been grouping the geometry.

Theres another problem
I have been grouping the geometry and for some reason it wont group - ive just tried twice now and it wont do it!
Im sorry to be a pain, you are all being very supportive

There sees to be a long delay in my programme working, ive now just checked and it finally has grouped but its taken 30 seconds or more to do this?
Very frustrating

The only group I see in your model isa grid and it’s locked (indicated in red). The rest is all loose.

I wonder what your workflow is when you try to create a group. Of course with the geometry all having different tags, grouping won’t help a whole lot.

I expect that’s due to your old integrated graphics processor.

@jo901 you never gave an answer to @DaveR’s question about exactly which edge(s) you can’t delete. There are a lot of edges in your model (726,609). So, it is effectively impossible for us to know which are the offenders to diagnose the problem - we are left to guess at possible reasons!

I can think of some more not mentioned yet. For example, if a group has an edge at the same location as a loose edge or an edge from another group, it will appear that deleting the edge does nothing because the other one is still there.

Hi I have imported a pdf survey which I think has the offending 7000.000 edges. I thought i had grouped it! I shall go into the model and try to re group .
Thanks - apologies for delay had a family crisis!