Cannot save sketchup up models already created

All of a sudden I am having all sorts of problems with sketchup.

Yesterday sketchup was telling me that I had too many people signed in so I deauthorized all devices so that I could even open up the application.

Now today I can open files but I can’t save any of them. I am receiving this error. See attached.

Any tips?
Thank you - Anne Marie

Where are you trying to save the file to?

Have you checked the permissions as the error suggests?

it saves to google drive which is linked to my internal folders. I suspect that is the issue but this is a brand new issue as we have been working on these files and saving them to the same place for years

yes thank you - I ensured it was not locked and checked the get info section and have read and write permissions

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It very likely is the problem. It would appear that SketchUp can’t access the location.

It’s definitely not wise to be saving directly to or working on files saved to the cloud. Many users wind up with corrupted, unrecoverable files doing that. You should be saving files directly to your internal drive and only sync them to your Google Drive via Finder.

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