In general, the scope of a components attribute is three levels: one up, one down and the context level where it resides. Consider the model (drawing), level 0. Then, the deeper the nested components the higher the level of indention will be.
- There is a way. All nested components should have the same named attribute and a formula that refers to the parent (e.g. popvar=PARENT!popvar)
That way, only the highest level components have to get the value from a ‘sibling’ and all the deeper levels will inherit that value with a redraw. (=2.)
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- The system is in it’s intentional form very strong, I think and full off possibilities, but unlike the intuitive SketchUp learning curve has its flaws and little hickups. I always see it as ‘program’ puzzles, but the real power comes when you add metadata which you can easily acces in LayOut with the label tool