[ASK] Copy File to Another Computer for Rendering

I wondering the way to copy my model without lose my material and it’s texture to another computer for rendering.

I do modeling on my laptop, but my laptop not good enough to render my model with vray plugin. So i decide to use my office desktop pc which have better specification for rendering. But i got a problem, when i render my model, all material are appear but the texture (mapping) is gone.

How do i copy my model without loose my texture, PLEASE I NEED HELP !!!

Kindest Regards,
Iqbal Triadhi - Omah Design - Indonesia

I don’t know Vray, but oher Renderers have options to pack the scene with all needed files…

Vray will find textures embeded in your model and extract to ChaosGroupTextureCache folder, located into %temp% folder.

For HDR, and other files that aren’t texture (applied into faces), like bump, displacement and so on, use the option Vray Pack Scene (V-ray 2.0).