AR Viewing in 3D Warehouse

The chair is nearly 1500 metres tall. I wonder if that is a reason for it to not have an AR option.

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Hello Colin,
I’ve downloaded the model and changed it size. Then the model was uploaded on my private 3DWH
But I’ve got the same result : no “View in AR” button available.
See the result.

I tested that chair, and another one that does have a View in AR option. My version of both models doesn’t have that option. My older models do have the option. It could be that the AR option is added to models as a batch task that only gets run occasionally. Let’s see if @TheGuz knows.

A short while later, the test uploads I did do show a disabled View in AR option. It’s disabled because I set the model to be private. If I set it to be public the View in AR link works.

I’m not sure why the original Chaise Karl Manbo model doesn’t have the view in AR option.

@judedouch -
I downloaded the copy you uploaded, exploded it all and re-uploaded it. There was no “View in AR” link.

I then went to download the chair as created from Jacques V’s warehouse. I exploded it, resized it, and changed the camera view to Perspective. When I was about to upload that copy, I noticed the “View in AR” link was available on the first chair I uploaded. I went ahead and uploaded the second copy anyway… it also has the “View in AR” link available.

The model appears to me to have a few issues - it took the seat of the chair nearly 4.5 minutes to explode. I’ve never run across anything that took more than just a few seconds to explode. Perhaps whatever is wrong with the model, and those issues being wrapped up in components, is what caused the AR option to not appear. ???

@colin … is that possible?

You’re wright, I’ve also found some problems on the seat and the back of this chair.
So, I’ve redrawn these two parts and uploaded the revised model again. The weight of the revised model is now very light, but “View in AR” link is still not available.
Link to the revised model on 3DWH is HERE

@Colin & @SketchrUppr,
Jacques V, who has credited this model, has mentioned to me this morning that, using his Ipad Pro with sketchUp App installed on it, he has the “View in AR” button available for this chair (the original model)

So then it seems that the AR feature is wishy-washy as @gsharp has suggested.

I’m having an issue when uploading models… on previous uploads the ar button appeared:
But on my latest upload I’d did not…

…. These are the settings





File Size


Modified Date




Unit of Measure



120 x 170 x 70

Distance from Origin


And privacy is set to public…

Looks like we could be experiencing a bit of an issue after our last update. I have reported this issue to the engineering team. A workaround in the meantime is to upload your file to 3D Warehouse, download it, then reupload it. Not positive why that works, but the engineers will figure it out.

You can upload the file to the same original upload by using the “Upload New File” option here:

I’ve gone through almost all perturbations to try and get a simple model (just a 3’ cube) to upload and have AR capabilities and nothing works. I’ve tried the re-upload workaround by TheGuz to no effect, left it alone for 24 hours to see if it happens in batches, private, public, grouped, component, in SketchUp, in Google, in Firefox, all with the model at the origin. Nothing works. Is this still being developed?

Hi cbullen! I wanted to let you know that we have a ticket in to get AR working as expected. Right now I can’t tell when it will be completed, but I’ll keep you updated here.

Happy to hear it’s on the radar as it is a great feature that I was hoping to incorporate into our curriculum.

All the best!

Thank you. That is what I needed.

I was wondering what is the reason behind this feature being blocked for the private models?
I find the fature really great and usefull, but due to legal reasons I cant share some of the work models publicly.
Is there a plans to change that? Because it would be really nice to have this fature always available for the project presentations.

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This should be back in action. Let me know if things are not working as expected.

I can present this idea. Thanks for the suggestion!


Awesome! Thank you for listening :slight_smile:

Hi @TheGuz
my first models uploaded to 3dwarehouse display a View in AR button.
Now the loaded models do not display View in AR.
Can you help me plz I’m struggling what to do

Hey TheGuz

Just checking to see if there’s been any progress on the AR functionality. I’ve exhausted my troubleshooting and have heard from others that it’s a hit or miss proposition. Would it be in the realm of possibilities to have this functioning before the start of the semester? I’m sure there are other educators that would like to have this introduced into their SketchUp courses.

All the best!

I logged a bug report about the problem. I hope someone can figure out why it’s not working.