AppObserver onOpenModel callback called twice

The onOpenModel callback is being called twice from the same observer.

(For comparison, after I’ve opened two model windows and I switch windows to activate the other model, the onActivateModel callback is only being called once, as expected.)


  • Open an existing model in a fresh instance of SketchUp.
  • Define the observer class in the Ruby console
  • Instantiate the observer class and attach the instance
  • Open a model via Sketchup.open_file

Is something strange going on here, or am I just missing something glaringly obvious?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Ruby console output:

class TestObserver
  def expectsStartupModelNotifications
    return false

  def onOpenModel(model)
    puts "opened model #{model.path} from observer #{self.object_id}"

  def onActivateModel(model)
    puts "activated model #{model.path} from observer #{self.object_id}"
=> :onActivateModel
tt =
=> #<TestObserver:0x0000000345cb6428>
=> 980
Sketchup.add_observer tt
=> true
Sketchup.open_file(Sketchup.active_model.path, with_status:true)
opened model /Users/AlexZahn/Downloads/temp/temp.skp from observer 980
opened model /Users/AlexZahn/Downloads/temp/temp.skp from observer 980
=> 0
Sketchup.open_file("/Users/AlexZahn/Downloads/temp/temp copy.skp", with_status:true)
opened model /Users/AlexZahn/Downloads/temp/temp copy.skp from observer 980
opened model /Users/AlexZahn/Downloads/temp/temp copy.skp from observer 980
=> 0
activated model /Users/AlexZahn/Downloads/temp/temp.skp from observer 980

This has been reported (3 years ago) in the official SketchUp APIs issue tracker: