Apply A Color Pallet, Replacing Existing Materials

Duane, right now I’m a bit sore on this subject. So no, not at this time.

But, replacing materials is a very common workflow that has been discussed much in the forums over the years. A little time taken to search (likely over at SketchUcation) should reveal enough code snippets.

A few seconds search here brings up a previous post, (more than 2 years ago,) by myself on a similar subject, … in which I pointed readers to a free “Material Replacer” plugin by Thomas Thomassen.

Had we gotten past the “fleshing out phase” in the original thread (now locked,) I no doubt would have pointed the OP to this post, or just mimicked the advice I gave then.

However, Thomas’ plugin doesn’t do exactly what the OP asked about in the other thread,… it is more manual (ie, an eye dropper-like tool.) But it is a start.

[Q] Material Maintenance plugin - selecting various components but not the entire model - #4 by DanRathbun

Even using Thomas’ “Selection Toys” plugin, one can manually select all the rest of the objects that are painted with the selected object’s materiel, … and then manually choose a new material and “re-paint the entire selection”. Again, not totally automated, but a time (and money) saver none the less.