Anyway to convert simple plain into one with patterns?

Hello Friends,

I want to convert one simple plain of my building into one with bumpy patterns ( See picture below ), i know i can do that by drawing each line but doing that for the whole building is very hard and can not be done easily , so is there any function i can use to convert the plain into the particular bumpy plain i want ( look the photo i uploaded below for much better explanation)Screenshot_2

can you not use a texture?


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I know that , but that texture wouldnt look as good as i want to make it look like , i have to import this later into a Simulator and it should look good

Draw 1 batten group.
Then multi-copy it horizontally.

User Guide: Copying and multiplying geometry with the Move tool

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(Dan beat me)
If I’m understanding this right and you want the slats all you might need to do is create one piece as a component and copy it. Although getting textures to not repeat too much is a little more work.

Maybe this?

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you can make your own textures as detailed as you want, or look at this extension


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That is an interesting way thanks , well lets see if there is anything anyone knows we can do to actually convert a plain into them , so here is my building i could use your way but implementing that would be hard on my building cause of the windows and doors stuff

It might be possible to draw a rectangle on the “plain”, push pull it, then move/copy it across the length of the plain.
Repeat for each plain

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I’m having a look at extension it might help me

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