Add_action_callback does not work when using execute_script

Please post Ruby API questions in the Ruby API subcategory.

(EDIT: Thanx @dezmo for topic reassignment.)

Your JS function sendData has an argument that is not sent by the button’s onClick event.

Also this element in the <head> of the HTML document …

      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

… is unnecessary with UI::HtmlDialog which is using the Chrome Embedded Framework.

The following works for me in SketchUp 2017 and 2021.

module Testing

  extend self

  @dialog = nil if !defined?(@dialog)

  def dlg_html
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"></script> -->
      <script type="text/javascript">

          function sendData(){

              var test_data = document.getElementById("input_test").value;


              // window.close();

          document.onreadystatechange = function () {
              if (document.readyState === 'complete') {

          <input type="text" id="input_test" name="input_test" value="nothing">
          <input type="button" onclick="sendData();" value="Set" />  

  def dialog

    #dlg_html = File.join(__dir__, 'html', 'test.html')
    # For this test we'll use a method to generate a HTML string.

    @dialog =
      :dialog_title => "Dialog Example",
      :scrollable => true,
      :resizable => true,
      :width => 600,
      :height => 400,
      :left => 100,
      :top => 100,
      :min_width => 50,
      :min_height => 50,
      :max_width =>1000,
      :max_height => 1000,
      :style => UI::HtmlDialog::STYLE_DIALOG

    @dialog.add_action_callback("dlg_html") {|_dlg, data| 
      puts data

    @dialog.add_action_callback("ready") {|_dlg| 
      UI.messagebox("Ready to change value ...")
      @dialog.execute_script("var testString = 'test';")
      @dialog.execute_script("document.getElementById('input_test').value = testString;")


    # Show the dialog window last after setting all callbacks:


To test after pasting into the Console, … use the command …

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